TM 11-5895-1123-34
breaker by removing the two screws and nuts securing
c. Replacement of Meters M1 and M2.
the cover to the front plate.
(1) Tag and unsolder the wires connected to the
(2) Tag and unsolder the wires connected to the
defective meter.
circuit breaker.
(2) Remove the hardware securing the meter to the
(3) Remove the nut securing the circuit breaker to
front panel. Remove the meter.
the front panel.
(3) Install the new meter and secure it with the
(4) Install the replacement circuit breaker and
hardware from c(2) above.
secure it to the front panel using the nut supplied or the
(4) Connect and solder the wires, to the meter, that
one removed in a(3) above.
were removed in c(1) above.
(5) Connect and solder the wires to the circuit
3-36. Replacement of Control Monitor 48V/20 Hz
breaker that were removed in a(2) above.
(6) Replace the cover over the circuit breaker and
a. Connect connectors P1 and P2 on the control
secure it to the front plate.
monitor assembly to the respective connectors in the
b. Replacement of DC POWER Switches S1 and
S2. The procedure for replacing switches S1 and S2 are
b. Align the control monitor assembly with the
identical to the procedure for replacing the circuit
opening in the rack and push back into place.
breakers CB1 and CB2 except for the removal and
replacement of the protective covers, in a(l) above.
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