TM 11-5895-1123-34
calibration to determine if the meter is faulty, proceed as
(20) Return the lower and upper voltage limit cursors
to 110 and 120 volt settings, respectively.
(4) By use of the two adjustment screws at the
d. Replacement of Meter-Relay, M1.
meter window, swing the red limit cursors away from the
(1) Remove the VR monitor panel from its rack as
115 volt position so that the lower limit cursor lies at 90
outlined in paragraph 328 above.
volts and the upper at 140 volts. These wide settings are
(2) Tag the leads according to their destinations at
to prevent unwanted fault latchups when the calibration
the rear of the meterrelay unit.
screw is adjusted later on.
(3) Slide the protective sleeves back along the leads
(5) Turn off the power to racks 4, 5, and 6 at the
to expose the solder joints and unsolder the leads from
power distribution panel.
the meter pins.
(6) Loosen the four captive screws retaining the
(4) Remove the three mounting screws and
panel to the rack and carefully pull the panel away from
dismount the meter and the zero adjust protective cover
the rack.
from the panel.
(7) Remove the four screws retaining the plastic
(5) Secure the replacement meterrelay unit to the
protective cover to the support posts at the rear of the
front panel with a screw, lockwasher and nut at the
panel and remove the protective cover.
topmost of the three mounting holes.
(8) Slightly loosen the two lower mounting screws
for the monitor meter and swing the calibration screw
Do not alter the setting of the meter zeroadjust screw.
cover away to permit access to the screw.
This screw is the lower one of the three adjustment
screws passing through the meter window, and can be
properly set only by using a highly accurate voltage
The adjustment cover is slotted on one
standard as described in paragraph 329c below.
side so that it may be pivoted about the
Place the zeroadjust protective cover over the
other mounting screw, thus making it
lower part of the meter face and align the mounting
unnecessary to entirely remove the
holes. Install the remaining two mounting screws.
mounting screws.
(7) Set the lower and upper voltage limit cursors to
(9) Temporarily remount the VR monitor panel to the
110 and 120 volts, respectively, using the two exposed
rack and tighten the four captive mounting screws
adjustment screws at the meter face.
sufficiently to hold the panel in place.
(8) Solder the leads to the five pins at the rear of the
(10) Reapply power to racks 4, 5, and 6.
replacement meter.
(11) Actuate the fault reset switch.
(9) Remove the lead tags and slip sleeving back
(12) Insert the Fluke 8000A Digital Multimeter test
over the soldered pin connections.
probes into the regulated 115 vac receptacle and
(10) Mount the VR monitor panel on the rack as
observe the reading.
outlined in paragraph 330 below.
(13) Adjust the monitor meter calibration screw so
e. Replacement of Switch S1.
that the indicated voltage is the same as that of the
(1) Remove the VR monitor panel from the rack as
8000A multimeter.
outlined in paragraph 328 above.
(14) If the monitor meter reading cannot be set to
(2) Remove the two leads one at a time from the
duplicate the multimeter indication, the monitor meter or
screw terminals at the rear of the switch and connect to
its wiring is defective. See the monitor meterrelay
new switch.
replacement procedure in paragraph 329e below.
(3) Remove the switch retaining nut at the front of
(15) If the meter calibration of step 13 was
the panel taking care not to mar the panel finish.
successful, turn off the power to racks 4, 5, and 6 and
(4) Remove switch.
remove the panel from the rack.
(5) Insert replacement switch in panel hole taking
(16) Return the monitor meter calibration screw cover
care that the tab on the antirotation washer is seated in
to its normal position and tighten the meter mounting
the small recess hole at the rear of the panel.
(6) Install switch retaining nut and tighten.
(17) Reinstall the protective plastic cover and secure
(7) Mount the VR monitor panel on its rack as
it to the mounting posts with the four screws.
outlined in paragraph 330 below.
(18) Position the panel on the front of the rack and
f. Replacement of Indicator Lamp DS1.
tighten the four captive screws to secure it to the rack.
(1) Remove lens assembly from lamp socket by
(19) After power has been reapplied to racks 4, 5,
and 6, actuate the fault reset switch.
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