TM 11-5895-1123-34
(18) Replace any nylon tie wraps that were removed
(20) Mount the patch panel face on the patch panel
from the cables.
(19) Mount the patch panel face on the patch panel
(21) Mount and tighten the eight nuts on the screws
protruding through the rear of the rigid support bar on the
(20) Mount and tighten the eight nuts on the screws
protruding through the rear of the rigid support bar on the
(22) Place the patch panel in its rack as outlined in
paragraph 319 below.
(21) Place the patch panel in its rack as outlined in
d. Upper or Lower Terminal Board Repair.
paragraph 319 below.
(1) Remove the communication VF patch panel
c. Replacement of Switches.
from the rack as outlined in paragraph 317 above.
(1) Remove the communication VF patch panel
(2) Remove the 10 screws holding the wire mesh to
from the rack as outlined in paragraph 317 above.
the frame above the terminal board and remove the
(2) Remove the eight nuts protruding through the
rear of the rigid support bars which hold the face of the
(3) Perform the necessary repair.
patch panel to the frame.
(4) Replace the wire mesh on the frame and secure
(3) Pull forward on the face of the patch panel until
it with the 10 mounting screws.
the mounting screws clear the holes in the rigid support
(5) Place the patch panel in the rack as outlined in
bars on the frame.
paragraph 319 below.
(4) With the face of the patch panel standing in the
e. Replacement of the Noise Weighting Networks.
upright position, remove the 18 screws from the front
Remove the communication VF patch panel
panel that hold the three subpanels above the defective
from the rack as outlined in paragraph 317 above.
switch to the front panel.
(2) Remove the eight nuts protruding through the
(5) Put the lever on the defective switch in the down
rear of the rigid support bars which hold the face of the
patch panel to the frame.
(6) Remove the two screws from the front of the
(3) Pull forward on the face of the patch panel until
patch panel that hold the defective switch to the panel.
the mounting screws clear the holes in the rigid support
(7) Pull downward on the front of the patch panel
bars on the frame.
and rest it face down.
(4) Rest the front of the patch panel face down in
(8) Reach beneath the front of the patch panel and
the front of the frame.
push upward on the three loose subpanels to dislodge
(5) Remove the two mounting screws from the
them from the panel.
outside of the side of the frame that hold the defective
(9) Remove the three loose subpanels from the
noise weighting network in place.
patch panel to allow access to the defective switch.
(6) Tag and unsolder the four wires connected to
(10) Lifting upward and twisting outward from the
the top of the noise weighting network.
patch panel remove the defective switch.
(7) Prepare the wires for soldering and using good
(11) Tag the wires connected to the switch contacts
soldering practices, solder the wires to the replacement
and unsolder them from the switch.
noise weighting network.
(12) Prepare the wires for soldering and using good
(8) Mount the noise weighting network in place and
soldering practices, solder them to the replacement
secure it to the side of the frame with the two mounting
(13) Set the lever on the switch so that it is pointing
(9) Lift the front of the patch panel to an upright
toward its mounting slot on the patch panel.
position and mount it to the front of the patch panel
(14) Pushing downward and twisting it inward towards
the patch panel, mount the switch back in place on the
(10) Mount and tighten the eight nuts on the mounting
rear of the patch panel.
screws protruding through the rear of the rigid support
(15) Seat the three subpanels back into their proper
bar on the frame and secure the front of the patch panel
positions in the patch panel.
to the frame.
(16) While supporting the subpanels, lift the front of
(11) Place the patch panel in its rack as outlined in
the patch panel to its upright position.
paragraph 319 below.
(17) Grasp the lever on the replacement switch and
f Replacement of Multiple Connectors on the Rear
pull it towards the front of the panel.
(18) Insert and tighten the two mounting screws to
Remove the communications VF patch panel
secure the switch in place.
from the rack as outlined in paragraph 317 above.
(19) Insert and tighten the 18 mounting screws to
(2) Remove the eight nuts protruding through the
secure the three subpanels to the patch panel.
rear of the rigid support bars which hold the face of the
patch panel to the frame.
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