b. The data at the signal entry panels can be digital
Function to be converted into a pulse coded modulated
baseband, TTY, and/or VF.
(PCM) format suitable to be applied to the input of the
c. The TTY inputs are applied to the TTY
Multiplexer/Modem functions. Since the Multiplexer used
processing functions where they are prepared for
in the Multiplexer/Modem functions is only capable of
interfacing with the input of the Multiplexer/Modem
providing up to 1.544 Mb/s on its output, the 10 Mb/s
Functions. The TTY processing functions are capable of
data line bypasses the multiplexer and is applied directly
processing up to nine full duplex TTY channels of which
to the modem. This direct path to the modem provides a
five must be externally generated FSK TTY.
Of the
means of transmitting any externally multiplexed PCM
remaining four channels, three can be high level TTY
data stream up to 9.9999 Mb/s (10 Mb/s). When
which is first changed to low level TTY before being
receiving data, the processes described above are
converted to FSK for interfacing with the input of the
reversed in order that each field user is provided with the
Multiplexer/Modem functions. The remaining channel
proper data rate and format.
f. The Multiplexer/Modem functions are used to
can only be used to convert a low level TTY signal to
FSK. If any of the three high level TTY input channels
convert the various digital baseband, VF, and TTY data
are not being used to process high level TTY, they can
streams into a 70-MHz IF, biphase, or quadraphase shift
be used for low level TTY inputs. The nine processed
keyed data stream required by the input of the RSS to
TTY channels are fed through a nine channel filter bridge
prepare it for final transmission to the satellite. Other
which forms them into a single stream to be fed into one
than externally multiplexed data rate input, the
VF channel of the Multiplexer/Modem functions. On the
receive part of the CSS operation, the output from the
combination of TTY, VF, and digital baseband channels
Multiplexer/ Modem functions is fed back through the
not to exceed 24 channels, including one for the
TTY Processing Unit, reversing the process described
orderwire. The combined data rate of the multiplexed 24
above, to provide the TTY field users with the
channels cannot exceed 1.544 Mb/ s.
appropriate TTY format compatible with their teletype
encoder/decoder for error correction. Also encryption
d. Up to 12 VF channels can be processed in the
equipment is provided to prevent any change in message
CSS. The VF channels can either be two-wire or
traffic level from being detected.
g. The signal entry panels are equipped with
fourwire service. In the VF processing function, the
signals coming from or going to the field users are
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) protectors for protection
adjusted to a 0 dBm level. The four wire channels can
against the combination of electric and magnetic fields
either use 1600-Hz or 2400-Hz frequencies for signaling
produced by an exoatmospheric nuclear detonation.
purposes and the two-wire uses a 20-Hz frequency. The
Such detonation creates an extremely high energy RF
signaling units and ringdown converters detect and
pulse of duration on the order Of 250 nanoseconds and
translate the signaling frequencies into transmit (M) and
rise time of 5KV/nanosecond. The electric field strength
receive (E) signals. the M signals are sent to the
can be on the order of 100,000 volts/meter. In addition,
Multiplexer/Modem functions for transmission with their
interior bulkhead connectors are employed which include
assigned bit stream on a timed shared basis with the
radio frequency interference suppression and series
framing information.
element fuse protectors.
h. The CSS contains an orderwire and a standard
converted to four-wire transmitting and back to two-wire
for the user upon receiving. The 12 VF channels are fed
telephone which can be connected into a local telephone
through echo suppressors before being sent to the
system. Entry panel connectors for patching a 5-MHz
Multiplexer/Modem functions for transmitting.
standard, and 70/700-MHz auxiliary inputs to the RSS
e. The CSS is also capable of processing
are provided. The CSS also has entry panel connectors
baseband digital data inputs from field users. The data
to accommodate four additional four-wire inputs from
channels available are four 20 kb/s, two hybrid 50 kb/s,
miscellaneous VF users.
i. Test equipment is provided to monitor the
256 kb/s or 512 kb/s, and a channel for externally
multiplexed data up to 9.9999 Mb/s (10 Mb/s). The 20
operation of some equipment in the CSS.
kb/s and 256/512 kb/s channels are in a format that
permits them to interface directly into the input of the
Mutiplexer/Modem functions. The two hybrid 50 Kb/s
Processing System
channels which have been externally encrypted for voice
a. The Teletype (TTY) Processing System's
secure transmissions (scrambled) must pass through the
Simplified Diagram is shown in figure 2-2.
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