TM 11-5895-1123-34
Table 1-2
Tabulated Data-Continued
Not to exceed - 50 dBm O between any terminated audio line and high level TTY line as
measured in any VF channel of 300 to 3400 Hz.
Voltage Levels
+6 volts and -6 volts
Data Rates
20 kb/s
50 kbls
256 kb/s
512 kb/s
9.9999 Mb/s (10 Mb/s) externally processed.
Bit Error Rate
The amount of time for error free performance:
User Rate
20 kb/s
9 minutes minimum
50 kb/s
4 minutes minimum
256 kb/s
40 seconds minimum
512 kb/s
20 seconds minimum
Logic Levels
Low level +6 volts and -6 volts
78 ohms balanced
Pulse Coded Modulation
Return to bias except for the externally processed 9.9999 Mb/s (10 Mb/s) which is NRZ.
Frequency Output
70 MHz + 1 kHz center frequency, double sideband suppressed carrier.
Power Level
+ 10 dBm (terminated)
50 ohms, + 10%, unbalanced
Type Modulation
NRZ Quadraphase or biphase shift keying (QPSK/BPSK)
Data Rates
1544 kb/s internally processed 9.9999 Mb/s (10 Mb/s) externally processed.
The CSS accepts Voice Frequency (VF), teletype (TTY),
IF to SHF for transmission to the communications
and baseband digital signals from external cable
b. For maximum processing of VF, the CSS can
transmission networks and combines them with onboard
teletype and voice orderwire signals to form a composite,
handle up to 12 VF (four wire or two wire) sets with an
multiplexed, digital signal called the mission bit stream.
additional two channels for the orderwire and TTY.
c. The CSS can process up to nine duplex TTY
This bit stream is applied to a bulk encryption device for
channel utilization security before routing to the digital
channels, five of which are dedicated to remote FSK
data modem. The modulated 70-MHz Intermediate
users. The remaining four channels may be apportioned
Frequency (IF) signal from the modem, defined as the
among any combination of high-level and lowlevel TTY
output signal of the CSS, interfaces with the RSS via the
users, except that the number of high-level circuits is
IF patch panel. The IF patch panel is the radio-side
limited to a maximum of three.
terminus of the communications subsystem while the
d. The CSS is equipped to process baseband
signal entry panels at the shelter wall form the user-side
digital signals which, at the maximum multiplexer
of the CSS. Received communications from the far-end
capability, may consist of two 50 kb/s and four 0-20 kb/s
radio system flow through the CSS in the reverse order
asynchronous bit streams, together with one
from the IF patch panel to the user by way of the signal
synchronous bit stream that may be at either a 256 or a
entry panel. Various critical equipments in the CSS are
512 kb/s data rate.
redundant for reliability enhancement. In addition, a
e. Various combinations of VF, TTY, and digital
group of test equipments is included to support specific
signals can be simultaneously processed, with the total
CSS requirements.
multiplexed data rate not to exceed 1544 kb/s. The
multiplexer can operate at the lower data rates of 192,
384, or 768 kb/s for conservation of transmitted if power
1-7. Description
and bandwidth, but at these lower data rates, the number
The AN/TSC-86 terminal CSS is capable of interfac-
and/or types of input signals must be reduced
ing with various types of DCS field user communica-
tions and the RSS.
f. The CSS is also capable of receiving an
a. The CSS is able to receive VF, TTY, and
externally processed 9. Mb/s (10 Mb/s) data stream at
baseband digital signals and process them into
the input of either modem to be modulated on a 70-MHz
multiplexed, encryptioned bit stream modulated on a 70-
IF carrier for insertion into the RS for transmission.
MHz IF carrier compatible with the input requirements of
the RSS.
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