![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
program will be used as the criteria for developing the
quality control testing schedule. However, if deemed
rvice Test Schedules. Out-of-service,
necessary, the frequency of testing may be increased
end-to-end quality control tests, will be scheduled by
by the TCF to ensure optimum operating conditions.
the responsible CCO. The tests and frequency of tests
Quality control testing of equipment ensures that the
shown in table 4-5 are considered the minimum
equipment meets the technical specifications con-
essential. Selected out-of-service, end-to-end quality
tained in the applicable technical manuals.
control tests, as determined by the TCF, are required
d. Analysis of Test Results. Analysis of test results
after a transmission media failure, when equipment or
and of equipment failures might indicate a need to
lines are suspected of being faulty, when directed by
revise test schedules. If a particular type of equipment
the appropriate DOCC or operation and maintenance
or circuit is causing little or no outage between quality
element, or when deemed necessary by the TCF to
control tests, an increase in the time interval between
ensure optimum operation.
scheduled tests might be appropriate. Conversely, if
c. Communications equipment Test Schedules.
many outages are incurred or frequent adjustments
Quality control testing of operational and spare equip
are required on the equipment or circuit, a decrease in
ment appearing on the TCF of PTF patch panels will
the time interval between scheduled tests might be ap-
be performed on a scheduled basis. The time interval
currently used by the operation and maintenance ac-
tivities in their established preventive maintenance
Table 4-5. Circuit Quality Control Schedule
Legend: 72-Every 72 Hours: Q-Quarterly; S-Semiannual: A-Annual
Note 1. V2 parameters will be used for out-of-service testing of spare unconditioned VF channels and circuits. unless otherwise specified.
Note 2. Certain voice circuits utilize tone-on-while-idle supervisory signaling and will normally have a signal. either speech or tone. present
Measurements will be made at the monitor jack AS false rings will be caused by breaking the supervisory tone The normal speech level is - 12
VU at the 0 dBm TLP. The normal tone-on-while-idle signal level IS - 20 dBm0
Note 3 Testing of channels under the PMP satisfies this requirement
Note 4. Normal day-today technical control actions satisfy in-service test requirements for active dc circuits Spare dc circuits will be tested
for total peak distortion at least once every 72 hours. use of a spare dc circuit for reroute or establishing an on-call circuit satisfies this require-
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