T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
The temporary inhibit signal is also applied as an error
This action selects the appropriate card address input on
signal to an input on the system priority encoder for
each of the card address multiplexers to produce the
processing. After the multivibrator's duty cycle expires,
card address output that is applied to the binary-to-BCD
the channel address counter is permitted to continue
converter. The 3-bit address select signals are also
This circuit configuration permits the
applied to the lamp display decoder logic to be decoded
diagnostic function to detect and identify more than one
into the appropriate indicator enable signal associated
channel out-of-tolerance condition over a given period of
with the card address being processed.
time. The maximum number of channel addresses that
multiplexer loss-of-timing signal MLOT- is applied to the
can be generated from the channel address counter is
priority encoder, a card address inhibit signal is applied
determined by the channel address comparator. The
to the card address multiplexers so that a card address
maximum number of active channels is applied to the
is not generated. The card address inhibit signal also
channel address comparator through maximum channel
causes the lamp display decoder logic circuits to decode
number signals CHMAXO through CHMAX3 applied
signal LMTIM that is applied to the front panel to light the
from the seq card. When the channel address output
LOSS OF MUX TIMING indicator. No card address is
from the channel address counter is the same as the
generated for signal MLOT- because the signal indicates
external channel address applied to the comparator, a
the absence of timing rather than a card malfunction.
reset (A=B) signal is generated from the comparator to
The same condition applies to demultiplexer loss-of-
the counter. The channel addresses from the counter
timing signal DLOT-, since no card address is associated
are also applied to inputs on the card address
with this error condition. All other error conditions
multiplexers to identify the channel card location for a
applied to the system priority encoder have card
given out-of-tolerance condition. End-of-scan signal
addresses associated with error signals.
MEOS3N1 from the OEG card is applied to the control
flip-flop to develop the clock signals that increment the
5-576. The card address outputs from the multiplexer
channel address counter, one time during each word
and demultiplexer channel card error detectors and the
card address outputs from the multiplexer and
demultiplexer common card error priority encoders are
5-575. The system priority encoder has nine inputs;
applied to inputs on the card address multiplexers in the
each input has a priority status that is enforced when
card address encoder. When a 3-bit address select
simultaneous error conditions are indicated at two or
signal from the system priority encoder is applied to each
more inputs. An error signal to the priority encoder
of the multiplexers, one channel address input
causes the encoder to produce a 3-bit address signal
(associated with the error condition reported) is enabled.
that is applied to the five card address multiplexers in the
The card address is then routed through the multiplexers
card address encoder and to the lamp display decoder
in the card address encoder and is applied to the binary-
logic. The assignments to the inputs on the priority
to-BCD converter. The binary-to-BCD converter, in turn,
encoder are shown on the block diagram (figure 5-43).
converts the binary channel address into a BCD code
An error signal (other than signal MLOT-) applied to the
that is applied to the digital readout circuits on the front
priority encoder causes the encoder to generate 3-bit
address select signals to the card address multiplexers.
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