![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3011
demultiplexer, and information describing the stuffing
actions taken by the multiplexer in the processing of
asynchronous channel inputs. Thus the total number of
typical system application. In the example shown,
ports, including overhead, used in any given
numerous lower rate channel inputs are multiplexed in
configuration may be expressed as N+1.
successive steps into a single high-speed output, which
5-24. The multiplexer's output rate (R ) is the product
is then applied to a communications link. The actual link
of the total number of ports used (N+1), and the port rate
may take any of several forms, including radio,
(Rp ), or Ro =(Rp ) (N+1).
microwave, or land line. The inputting of one multiplexer
with the output of another is commonly known as
5-25. Data applied to a multiplexer's input channels
tandeming, and the overall result is a hierarchy
may take several forms: digital data with associated
comprised of an output multiplexer being fed by the
timing, voice, and digital data without timing. Within
outputs of other multiplexers operating at successively
prescribed limits, inputs may be asynchronous with the
lower rates.
multiplexer's reference timing source and with each
other. Using a variety of input channel card types, all
5-28. Figure 5-3 illustrates the outputs from 20 third
data are converted to a digital form and are subsequently
level multiplexers No. 3-1 through 3-20 being applied to
processed as synchronous signals under control of the
two second level multiplexers No. 2-1 and 2-2. The
internally generated multiplexer clock.
outputs from these two multiplexers, plus two
independent digital inputs of 2.304 Mbps each, are the
5-26. Generally, a digital input channel rate (Rc) will be
inputs to first level multiplexer No. 1. The multiplexed
nominally equal to the product of port rate (Rp) and the
7.168 Mbs output from multiplexer No. 1 is routed to a
number of ports (K) assigned to that channel. In other
communications link for transmission to far-end
words, Rc = KRp. For cases where Rc ≠ KRp, the
demultiplexing equipments.
multiplexer is capable of performing a rate conversion
5-29. Multiplexers No. 3-1 through 3-5 each process a
process termed coarse rate conversion. This entails the
combination of voice and digital data inputs using a port
use of a KRp that is greater than the applied Rc, and a
rate (Rp ) of 9.6 kbps and a total (N+1) of 30 ports.
predetermined sequence of internal timing adjustments.
Output rate (Ro ) is 288 kbps (9.6 x 30 = 288). Using a
The degree of rate conversion that may be performed is
port rate of 2.4 kbps and a total of 20 ports each,
defined by the expression:
multiplexers No. 3-6 through 3-20 process a mix of
digital inputs and yield an output rate of 48 kbps. Note
0.96 > K (1 Rc)
that the data rate applied to channel 5 of multiplexers
No. 3-6 through 3-20 is 2.3 kbps. This rate takes the
form Rc< KR . Using the expression
The most important benefit resulting from the
multiplexer's coarse rate conversion capability is that it
0.96 > K (1 Rc)
enables simultaneous processing of digital channel input
rates from mixed rate families. A voice channel is
processed in the equipment, using a KRp of 19.2 kbps or
Change 1 5-6
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