![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
includes the 48-kbps channel rate desired.
(Rp) shown on sheet 4 of the worksheets. Multiply K
and Rp, and compare this value (KRp) with the channel's
10. Note the rate range (A, B, C, or D) selected
output data rate (Rc).
in step 9 and set S7 to the corresponding position. For
16. If Rc is equal to KRp (Rc = KRp), set S3 to the
example, if range B was selected, S7 would be set to the
SB position, which completes the SB card setup process.
B, C, D position. If range A was selected, 57 would be
set to the A position.
Install the SB card in its appropriate slot (1 through 15) in
the DEMULTIPLEXER row. If Rc is less than KRp (Rc <
11. Set S8 to the rate range selected in step 9.
KRp), set S3 to the URD position and perform steps 17
through 19.
12. Set S24 to the rate range selected in step 9.
13. Set S25 to the rate range selected in step 9.
In cases where Rc < KRp, coarse rate
conversion of KRp to Rc must be
Certain positions of S12 indicate rate
performed by the demultiplexer. To
ranges A' (A prime) and B' (B prime).
enable this conversion, a fill bit value
When S5 is set to the A range and the
must be computed and set into the
channel rate (Rc) listed on the
SB by 10-position switch S2.
worksheet is 1.5 Mbs or greater, S12
must be set to the A' position. For
17. Determine the quantity of fill bits required,
using the expression:
channel rates in the A range which
are below 1.5 Mbs, and for any
Fill bits = 899K (1 - Rc )
channel rate in the B range, the A'
and B' positions of S12 are used in
K = quantity of ports assigned to the channel (from
channel output smoothing interval is
instruments. In such cases, special
Rc = channel data rate (from worksheet)
instructions will be added to the
Rp = port rate (from worksheet).
Discussion pertaining to selection
and use of S12 A' and B' ranges is
contained in paragraph 3-58.
To ensure a proper computation of fill
14. Set S12 to the rate range selected in step 9
bit quantity, the value of 1 - Rc/KRp
or as instructed in the above note.
must be determined to seven decimal
places. Overall fill bit quantity, when
15. Refer to sheet 3 of the worksheets, and note
computed, must be rounded to the
in the PORTS K blocks the number of ports (K) assigned
nearest whole number; i.e., 316.7 is
rounded to 317, etc. The largest
number of
Change 2 3-47
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