![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
total number of ports used. The second major source of
channel data is doubled from 15 to 30, requiring a total of
31 ports in this configuration. Output rate (Ro) is again
multiplexer set inefficiency occurs when the set of input
the product of port rate and total port count, or 4 kbps x
channel rates to be processed is from a mixture of rate
31 = 124 kbps. Note that this output rate is 4 kbps lower
families. Since the port rate (Rp) selected for a given
than the 128 kbps required in the first example. The
configuration is applied to all ports, processing of
overall efficiency of configuration B in figure 3-9 is
channel input rates not of the family to which the port
expressed as:
rate is related will necessarily induce inefficiency by
requiring the use of coarse rate conversion.
(48 x 2) + (8 x 3) X 100 = 96.77
Inefficiencies resulting from the processing of inputs
from multiple-rate families can be minimized by selection
of a port rate related to the predominant family.
The efficiency difference of 3.02 percent between the
two examples illustrates the importance of processing
3-48. The following paragraphs provide brief discussions
applied inputs at the lowest possible port rate consistent
and examples regarding reduction of inefficiencies
with the number of ports available.
resulting from the above-mentioned sources.
3-51. Configurations A and B of figure 3-10 show the
3-49. In examining the effects upon overall input/output
effects of processing mixed input rate families upon
efficiency resulting from port rate (Rp) selection, consider
overall input/output efficiency.
the example depicted in configuration A of figure 3-9.
Five input channels at rates of 48, 48, 8, 8, and 8 kbps
3-52. Three rate families frequency encountered in
are applied to the multiplexer's channel inputs. A port
digital communications applications are the 8000N,
rate ( ) equal to the lowest input rate of 8 kps is selected.
600N, and C x 75 x 2n The values selected for N, C,
This requires the use of six ports for each of the 48-kbps
and n in these families are positive integers.
inputs (48/8 = 6) and one port (8/8 = 1) for each of the 8-
Configuration A of figure 3-10 depicts a multiplexer set in
kbps inputs. The total number of ports used, including
which rates from all three families are processed: input
the overhead port, is 16. This satisfies the requirements
channels 1 and 2 of the 8000N family, where N equals 1;
that the number of ports assigned to all channels (N) be
channel 3 is of the 600N family, where N equals 10; and
equal to or greater than 15. Output rate is simply the
channel 4 is of the C x 75 x 2n family, where C equals 23
product of Rp and the total number of ports, or 8 kbps x
and n equals 3.
16 = 128 kbps. Expressed as a percentage, overall
efficiency for the example shown is expressed as:
3-53. Representing two of the four channels applied, the
8000N family is predominant. Based on the previously
(48 x 2) + (8 x 3) X 100 = 93.75
established rule that mixed rate families should be
processed with a port rate related to the predominant
3-50. As shown in configuration B of figure 3-9, the
family, a port rate (Rp) of 2 kbps is used in the example
channel inputs remain unchanged from the previous
depicted in configuration A of figure 3-10.The 2kbps rate
example, but the port rate (Rp) is reduced from 8 kbps to
is a
4 kbps. The number of ports required to process the
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