![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
3-9. Figure 3-2 depicts the multiplexer set in typical
3-13. When a port assigned to a given channel occurs,
simplex system configurations.
In simplex system
a single bit of the channel data passes to the
applications, the independence of multiplexer and
multiplexer's output. Therefore, the rate at which the
demultiplexer functions enables one function, or portions
porting occurs must equal the channel's input data rate
thereof, to operate while the other function remains
(Rc). However, since the multiplexer set must be
unused. As shown in configuration A of figure 3-2, the
capable of simultaneously accepting channel inputs of
multiplexer portion of multiplexer set No. 1 combines
different rates, multiple ports may be assigned to a single
inputs a, b, and c for transmission to a farend
channel. The number of ports thus assigned to a given
demultiplexer that is a part of multiplexer set No. 2. In
channel may vary up to a maximum of 25, and is termed
such an application, the near-end demultiplexer and far-
K. The assignment of more than one port to a given
end multiplexer functions are not used.
channel is termed port strapping. The first port assigned
to a channel is known as the active port, and subsequent
3-10. Configuration B of figure 3-2 depicts another type
ports assigned to that channel are known as strapped
of simplex application, which is sometimes referred to as
ports. The product of the rate that each port is sampled,
a broadcast arrangement. In this application, data from
known as port rate (Rp), and the total number of ports
a near-end multiplexer are transmitted to several farend
(K) assigned to a channel must be equal to or greater
demultiplexers. Each demultiplexer is configured to
than the channel's input data rate (Rc), or KRp > Rc. In a
output one (or more) of the channels applied to the
given multiplexer configuration, the total number of ports
transmitting multiplexer. In such an arrangement, the
assigned to the multiplexer's channels is known as N,
near-end demultiplexer, the far-end multiplexers, and
and must be an integer between 15 and 31.
portions of the farend demultiplexers are not used.
3-14. Regardless of configuration, a single port within
the multiplexer is automatically reserved for conveying
overhead data generated within the multiplexer into the
3-12. Data applied to the multiplexer's channel inputs
multiplexer's output data stream. Thus, in any given
are converted, when necessary, into a prescribed digital
multiplexer configuration, the total quantity of ports used
form and are held in buffer storage until they are
for processing channel and overhead data is N + 1, and
synchronously inserted into the multiplexer's serial output
is between 16 and 32. The multiplexer's output data
data stream. Since data from multiple channels must
rate, termed Ro, is simply the product of port rate (Rp)
enter this stream, they are inserted at a predetermined
time in an established channel sampling sequence. The
and the total quantity (N + 1) of ports used, or Ro = Rp
interval of time during which data from a given channel
(N + 1).
are allowed to enter the multiplexer's output stream is
termed a port. Thus, in a given multiplexer configuration,
3-15. The port assignments in a receiving demultiplexer
a port is permanently assigned to a particular channel
must exactly match those used in the transmitting
and will convey that channel's data into the multiplexer's
This enables the demultiplexer to
output when the port occurs.
disassemble its serial input data stream into individual
channel outputs matching the multiplexer's inputs. In
applications where several
Change 2 3-3
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