![]() T.O. 31W2-2GSC24-2
TM 11-5805-688-14-1
NAVELEX 0967-LP-545-3010
b. Automatic diagnostic circuits in the multiplexer
set provide visual indications of error conditions and their
probable causes. The diagnostic circuits also produce
1-2. The AN/GSC-24(V) multiplexer set provides
associated electrical alarm signals that can be
transmitted to a remote facility for monitoring purposes.
demultiplexing capabilities in digital transmission
networks. The multiplexing function accepts up to 15
c. The
channels of various lower rate digital input streams and
synchronization and maintains bit count integrity on all
interleaves them into a single high-speed digital stream
channels while accepting input data whose bit rates can
output. In turn, the demultiplexing function accepts a
vary within prescribed limits. Also, the multiplexer set
high-speed digital stream and separates the digital
automatically determines when an out-of-frame
stream input into a given number (up to 15) of lower rate
(synchronization) condition exists in the data message.
digital streams. The multiplexer set provides full duplex
When in an out-of-frame condition, the equipment
operation, performing independent and simultaneous
automatically and continuously attempts to reacquire
multiplexing and demultiplexing functions.
frame synchronization.
The reacquisition of frame
synchronization is automatically accomplished when the
cause of an out-of-frame condition is removed.
In this manual, the circuits are
d. In the multiplexer, the overhead data required for
divided into one of three functional
the proper operation of the far-end demultiplexer are
groups. The circuits that perform the
automatically generated and transmitted in the
multiplexing function are referred to
multiplexer high-speed digital stream output.
as the multiplexer. The circuits that
demultiplexer, in turn, automatically decodes and uses
perform the demultiplexing function
the overhead data to maintain bit count integrity.
are referred to as the demultiplexer.
The circuits that perform the power
1-4. As shown in figure 1-1, the multiplexer set is
supply function are referred to as the
contained in a ruggedized aluminum chassis that is
power supply.
suitable for mounting in a standard relay rack. When the
unit is rack mounted, slide assemblies on each side of
1-3. The multiplexer set also has the following unique
the chassis allow it to be extended from the rack for
maintenance purposes. When fully extended on the
slides, the chassis can be tilted up or down and locked in
a. Voice data and digital data, supplied with and
position at an angle of 45 or 90. The functional circuits,
without timing, can be processed and multiplexed in the
less the power supply, in the
multiplexer set by the use of optional plug-in cards.
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