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Page 3, chapter 1 (page 1 of C 3).  Add the
Projection Printer EN-91A, or Photographic Projection
following note below the title of chapter 1.
Printer EN-91B.
Note.  Photographic Film Processing Unit ES-
20(3) is similar to Photographic Film Processing Units
Page 4, paragraph 4.
Make the following
ES-20(1) and ES-20(2).  Information in this manual
applies to all three units unless otherwise specified.
Subparagraph a (page 1 of C 3).  Make the
Paragraph 1 (as deleted by C 2, 26 Aug 63).
following changes:
Delete subparagraph e.
Line 2. Change "or EN-16(1)" to EN16(1), EN-
(As added by C 2, 26 Aug 63), delete and
91A, or EN-91B.
substitute paragraph 1.1 after paragraph 1.
After line 4, add:
Condenser lens set (EN-91B) ........165-mm diameter.
After line 7, add:
1.1. Indexes of Equipment Publications
Projection lens sets (EN-91B) .... 50-mm focal length.
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of
90-mm focal length.
DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are new
135-mm focal length.
editions, changes, or additional publications pertaining to
the equipment.
After line 3, add:
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
Projection Printing Easel
determine whether there are modification work orders
FN-10 (2) .................Holds enlarging paper up to
(MWO's) pertaining to the equipment.
11 by 14 inches in size with
(Page 1 of C 3 and as deleted by C 2, 26 Aug
adjustments for margins up
63), delete paragraph 2 and substitute:
to 3/4 inch in width.
2. Forms and Records
After line 18, add:
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
EN-91B negative carriers:
Use equipment forms and records in
35-mm roll .......................... 1 by 11/2 inch aperture.
accordance with instructions given in TM 38750.
70-mm roll .......................... 21/4 by 21/4 inch aperture.
Report  of  Packaging  and  Handling
21/4 by 31/4 inch roll .......... 21/4 by 31/4 inch aperture.
Deficiencies. Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of
4 by 5 inch cut film ............ 4 by 5 inch aperture.
Packaging and Handling Deficiencies) as prescribed in
Subparagraph b (page 2 of C 3).  Make the
AR 700-58 (Army), NAVSUP Publication 378 (Navy),
following changes:
AFR 71-4 (Air Force), and MCO P4610-5 (Marine
Line 1. Change "and Stop Timer FM103(1)" to
Stop Timers FM-103(1) and FM103(2).
c.  Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
Line 7.  Change "or Interval Timer FN5(1)" to
(SF361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
Interval Timer FN-5(1) or FN-5(2).
Report (DISREP) (SF361) as prescribed in AR 55-38
Line 17. Change "or Photographic Processing
(Army), NAVSUP Publication 459 (Navy), AFM 75-34 (Air
Tank FM-8(1)" to Photographic Processing Tank FM-
Force), and MCO P4610.19 (Marine Corps).
8(1) or Photographic Tank FM-8(2).
Reports  of  Equipment  Publication
(Page  2  of  C  3)  Change  "Photographic
Report of errors, omissions, and
Processing  Tank  PH-594A/PFQ"  to  Photographic
recommendations for improving this publication by the
Processing Tank PH-594A/PFQ or PH594A/U.
individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be
Paragraph 5 (page 2 of C 3). Delete the first two
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
sentences  and  substitute:  The  components  of
to DA Publications) and forwarded direct to Commanding
Processing Equipment PH-406 and Photographic Film
General, U.  S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
Processing Units ES-20(1), ES-20(2), and ES-20(3) are
AMSELME-NMP-AD, Fort Monmouth, N. J. 07703.
listed in a below.
Paragraph 4a, line 1 (page 1 of C 3). Change
"or  Photographic  Projective  Printer  EN-16(1)"  to
Photographic Projection Printer EN-16(1), Photographic

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