TM 11-3895-209-14
2-4. GENERAL - Continued
Use DA Form 2404 to report deficiencies and shortcomings found, while doing PMCS.
Use the PMCS Item No. of table 2-1 for the TM ITEM NO. of column a on DA Form 2404
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).
Some operator PMCS are routine while others are scheduled.
Routine PMCS are things that you should do any time you see that they need to be done. Some
routine PMCS are:
A Clean and dust the equipment.
Check cable for proper connections and for tightness. If a connection cannot be tightened,
report the defect to C-E ORG MAINT.
Defects observed when doing the remaining routine checks should be reported to C-E
ORG MAINT for corrective action.
C Check cables for fraying, cuts, cracks, dry rot and loose or missing hold-down clamps.
D Check equipment surfaces for corrosion, rust, and fungus.
E Check controls of all components to ensure that they are not loose, broken or missing and that
the controls turn or set properly.
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