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TM 11-1520-209-ESC
Item 19- Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-59(V), Radio Compass (Continued)
Apply power to the AN/ARN-59(V).
right of the relative bearing. Needle
Two sets installed and
Set pilot's or copilot's C-161 I(*)/AIC
returns to relative bearing when
one is inoperative.
for NAV signal reception. Set C-
LOOP switch is released. In LOOP
2275/ARN control panel for antenna
mode of operation, and with BFO
(ANT) mode. With the station tuned
turned on, a beat note is heard in
in properly, set the C-2275/ARN for
the headset. Pitch varies as radio
compass(COMP) operation. After
tuning is changed. Volume of beat
the needle on the bearing indicator
increases as the loop is rotated
stabilizes, opcrate the LOOP switch
away from the station bearing.
momentarily to the right and then left
while observing the bearing indicator.
Set the C-2275/ ARN for LOOP
operation. Turn the BFO switch on.
Rotate the loop to either side of the
station bearing. Tune in a station,
identify, and perform tests on each of
the three bands.
Item 20. Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-83, Radio Compass
Note: Tests performed at night or
In ANT mode, maximum
Bearing indicator
No reliable adf station signals heard at either
using radio stations too distant may
indication on tuning meter
operates correctly in ADF
position (pilot's or copilot's).
give erroneous results Apply power
occurs when radio set is properly
mode on one band only.
to the AN/ARN-83. Set pilot's or
tuned to the same frequency as the
Bearing indicator
copilot's C-161 (*)/AIC for NAV signal
station. Undistorted station signal
operates correctly on all
reception. Set C-6899/ARN radio
of ade-
three bands in LOOP
set control panel for an
mode only.
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