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TM 11-1520-209-ESC
Item 10. Radio Set ARC Type 12 (Transmitter; Radio T-366A /ARC). Emergency Vhf Communications
Note: The AN/ARN-30D or AN/ARN-
Strength and readability of signals
No reliable
30E is used for emergency vhf
are adequate to maintain reliable
communications from
reception. Do not transmit on
communications from both pilot's
either side. No sidetone.
emergency vhf frequency of 121.5
and copilot's position. Sidetone
megahertz. This radio transmitter
operates within line-of-sight. The
power output of the transmitter is low.
Man made or natural obstructions
between the aircraft and
communicating stations may prevent
reliable testing. Establish
communications with a station
located not less than I mile from the
aircraft. Set the pilot's and copilot's
C-161 I(*)/AIC for emergency vhf
communications. Turn on the
AN/ARN-30D or AN/ ARN-30E and
tune to frequency of local vhf station.
Select the same frequency for the T-
366A/ARC transmitter. Establish
two-way communication from the
pilot's and copilot's position. in turn.
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