TM 10-3990-203-13&P
f. Remove wheel blocks and tow to the work area;
25 MPH on improved roads or 5 MPH cross country.
g. Reverse the procedure to remove the towbar
and put it in the storage compartment before putting
the ramp in position for use.
General operating instructions shall be on an
instruction plate attached to the ramp near the
hydraulic pump (Fig. l-l).
4.2.1 The ramp can be setup in a direct alignment
with the work surface or in an indirect alignment
4.1.1 Remove towbar from the towbar storage com-
with the work surface (Fig. 4-3).
partment on the right side of the ramp (Fig. 1-1).
Attach the towbar to the entry apron of the ramp
4.2.2 Direct Alignment
a. Block the wheels to prevent the ramp from
a. Position the high end of the ramp towards the
rolling and elevate the entry apron 18 - 24 inches
work surface (Fig. 4-3).
and support it with a block.
b. Remove the pump handle from the pump stor-
b. Place the towbar over the entry apron and
age tube (Fig. 4-2).
align the T-locks with the slots in the apron. Place
the towbar into position with the block seated in the
plate cutout (Fig. 4-l).
c. Insert the pump handle thru the pump access
port and into the pump beam (Fig. 4-5).
d. Place the pump control valve in the RAISE
position (Fig. 4-4).
The T-locks should be threaded down as far
as possible.
e. Pump up the high end of the ramp so that it is
2 -3 inches above the work surface.
c. Rotate the T.-locks 90 and pull upward on the
roll pins, engaging the ends of the clamps into the
f. Butt the apron stops (Fig. 2-2) up to the outer
round holes on either side of the slots.
edge of the work surface.
g. Place the pump control valve in the LOWER
position (Fig. 4-4). The ramp will then settle to rest
upon the work surface.
T-lock handles must be tightened securely.
Check for tightness and compression of lock
d. Secure the towbar by turning the handle on the
Keep the pump control valve in the LOWER
lock downward.
position while the ramp is being used. Failure
to do so may cause excessive pressure in the
hydraulic pump and on the wheels and axle
e. Attach the eye of the towbar to the vehicle
causing extensive damage.
h. Place the pump handle back into the storage
tube (Fig. 4-2).
Pump control valve shall be in LOWER posi-
i. Attach the hooks on the safety chains to the
tion while the ramp is being towed.
frame of the work vehicle.
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