![]() TB9-2510-242-40
4.1.2 Pre-Welding Preparations. Although 6061 aluminum is highly weldable, proper welding procedure and cautions
must be followed.
a. Check work area conditions.
Check ambient air temperature in work area. Welding should not be done in temperatures below 50
degrees F. If ambient air temperature is below 50 degrees F, a shelter or heated structure should be
provided to maintain the air temperature at 50 degrees F or higher. Welding shall not be done when the
weld surfaces are wet or exposed to rain, sleet, frost or excessive wind or when welders, welding operators
or tack welders are exposed to inclement conditions.
Check draft conditions. Gas tungsten arc and gas metal arc welding shall not be done where draft
conditions exist and wind velocity exceeds 5 miles per hour. If such conditions exist, a shelter or
windbreak of appropriate material and shape must be erected to reduce the velocity of the wind in the work
b. Secure damaged ramp frame members and joints prior to assessing cracks and welding.
Remove structural load from the joint(s). Use jack stands or other cribbing to safely support both sides
of the damaged area(s). Place other supports as required to prevent ramp frame movement during
inspection and welding preparation.
Align members of damaged join(s). Ensure that broken or replacement piece s of the segment touch
each other.
c. Measure type, size and extent of each damaged weld. NOTE: Repair welds should be of the same size and type
as the original weld joint
d. Inspect joints and base metal. The extent of each crack shall be ascertained by use of dye penetrant, x-ray
examination or other non-destructive means.
Preparation of Cracked Areas.
a. Remove defective weld metal or cracked base metal by mechanical means. Remove material beyond the
ends of the crack for a distance equal
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