![]() TB 9-2510-242-40
trailer until the axle's wheels are off the floor. Loosen the axle mounting bolts on one or both sides of the trailer, and
move only one side of the axle forward when the side moved has the larger of C or D, and back if the side moved has
the shorter dimension. The distance to be moved will depend on each trailer's suspension design. For the first move, a
suggested amount may be 0.59 times the difference between C and D. This would be the movement at the spring mount
for a typical trailer design. However, it is not necessarily correct for all lunette trailers. Re-tighten the axle mounting
bolts and lower the wheels to the floor. Recheck the C and D dimensions. Repeat the positioning procedure as often as
necessary until the longitudinal position is correct.
b. Axle No. 2. Determine the longitudinal position of axle No. 2 by measuring the distance from the centerline of
the first axle to the centerline of each end of the second axle. The measured dimensions, E and F, shall be within 1/16
inch of each other. Again, if the hubs do not have a distinctive feature that locates the axle's center line, locate the line
as for axle No. 1. When the difference between E and F exceeds 1/16 inch, jack up the axle's wheels until they are off
the floor. Loosen the axle mounting bolts on one or both sides of the trailer, and move only one side of the axle forward
for the side having the larger dimension, and to the rear for the side having the smaller dimension. The distance to be
moved will depend upon the trailer's suspension design. A suggested distance for the first move is 0.64 times the
difference between E and F. This would be the movement at the spring mount for a typical trailer design. However, it is
not necessarily correct for all trailers. Re-tighten the axle mounting bolts and lower the wheel to the floor. Recheck the E
and F dimensions. Repeat the positioning procedure as often as necessary until the longitudinal position is correct.
c. Axle No. 3. Repeat the procedure for the second axle by measuring from previously aligned axle No. 2.
d. Bogie (Axles not Independently Adjustable). Determine the longitudinal position of each side of the bogie by
measuring from the point halfway between the hubs on each side. If this location corresponds to the end of the axle,
measure from the end of the axle as shown in figure 9. If the difference between G and H exceeds 1/8 inch, loosen
mounting bolts and move the bogie. Repeat the positioning procedure until the longitudinal position of the bogie is
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