component individually before proceed-
r. Connect two 12-volt batteries in series for
24 voIts output. Connect the alligator clamps of
ing to another type.
the tester's battery cables to the proper terminal
the studs of the generator mount.
of each battery. Check polarity and insure that
b. Place the V belt over the motor drive pulley.
there is good contact between the cable connectors
c. Attach the adjustment arm to the generator.
and the battery teminals.
Install the screw..
d. Connect the 110-volt cord for the motor to
d. Allow the generator mount to drop so that
a power outlet.
the weight of the generator will automatically set
e. Check each component type.
tension in the belt. Tighten the screw.
c. If the generator is equipped with an inter-
To insure that the tester is working pro-
nal rectifier and solid state regulator, proceed to
per]?-, pretest with previously tested or
paragraph 9.
new components. Check each type of
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