TB 9-2300-378-14
TM 9-2350-215-34-1
TM 9-2300-378-20P/1
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special
Manual for Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked: 105-MM
Tools List for Hull: Tank Combat: Full-Tracked, 152-
Gun, M60A1 (NSN 2350-00-756-8497) Hull and
MM Gun/Launcher, M60A2 (M60A1E2) W/E (NSN
M60A1/AOS (NSN 2350-01-058-9487) Hull.
2350-00-930-3590), 105-MM Gun, M60A1 W/E (NSN
2350-00-756-8497), M60 W/E (NSN 2350-00-678-
TM 9-2350-222-20-1 Series
5773); 90-MM Gun, M48A3 W/E (NSN 2350-00-895-
Organizational Maintenance for Combat Engineer
9154) and Vehicle, Combat Engineer: Full Tracked,
Vehicle, Full Tracked: M728, (NSN 2350-00-795-
M728 W/E (NSN 2350-00-795-1797).
1797) (Hull).
TM 9-2300-378-35/1
TM 9-2350-222-20P-1
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
Organizational M a i n t e n a n c e R e p a i r P a r t s a n d
Manual for Tank, Combat: Full-Tracked, 152-MM Gun
Special Tools List Combat Engineer Vehicle, Full
Launcher, M60A2 W/E (NSN 2350-00-930-3590)
Tracked: M728, (NSN 2350-00-795-1797) (Hull).
(Hull, Suspension and Final Drive Only) and Direct
TM 9-2350-222-34-1
Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
Manual for 105-MM Gun, M60A1 W/E (NSN 2350-00-
Manual for Vehicle, Combat Engineer, Full-Tracked:
756-8497), 105-MM Gun, M60A1 W/E (NSN 2350-00-
M728 (NSN 2350-00-795-1797) (Hull).
756-8497), 105-MM Gun, M60 W/E (NSN 2350-00-
678-5773) and Vehicle, Combat Engineer: Full-
Tracked, M728 W/E (NSN 2350-00-795-1797), Hull,
TM 9-2350-222-34P-1
Suspension, Final Drive, Slipring Assembly, Turret,
D i r e c t Support and General Support Repair Parts
and Miscellaneous Components.
and Special Tools List: Vehicle, Combat Engineer,
Full-Tracked: M728 (NSN 2350-00-795-1797) (Hull).
TM 9-2300-378-35P/1-1
Direct Support, General Support and Depot Mainten-
TM 9-2350-253-10
ance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Hull;
Operator's Manual for Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked,
105-MM Gun, M60A3 (NSN 2350-00-148-6548) and
Tank, Combat: Full-Tracked, 152-MM Gun Launcher,
TTS (Tank Thermal Sight) (NSN 2350-01-061-2306).
M60A2 (M60A1E2) W/E (NSN 2350-00-930-3590);
105-MM Gun, M60A1 W/E (NSN 2350-00-795-1797)
and 90-MM Gun, M48A3 W/E (NSN 2350-00-895-
TM 9-2350-253-20-1
Organizational Maintenance Manual for Tank, Combat,
Full-Tracked, 105-MM Gun, M60A3 (NSN 2350-00-
TM 9-2300-378-35P/1-2
148-6548) and (NSN 2350-01-061-2306) TTS (Tank
Thermal Sight) Hull.
Direct Support, General Support and Depot Mainten-
ance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Hull: Tank
Combat: Full-Tracked, 152-MM Gun/Launcher,
TM 9-2350-253-20P-1
Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special
M60A2 (M60A1E2) W/E (NSN 2350-00-930-3590),
105-MM Gun, M60A1 W/E (2350-00-756-8497), M60
Tools List for Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked: 105-MM
W/E (NSN 2350-00-1678-5773) and 90-MM Gun,
Gun, M60A3 (NSN 2350-00-148-6548) and (NSN
M48A3 W/E (NSN 2350-00-895-9154) and Vehicle,
2350-01-061 -2306) TTS (Tank Thermal Sight) Hull.
Combat Engineer: Full-Tracked, M728 W/E (NSN
TM 9-2350-253-34-1
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
TM 9-2350-215-10 Series
Manual for Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked: 105-MM
Gun, M60A3 (NSN 2350-00-148-6548) and (NSN
Operators Manual(s): Tank, Combat, Full-Tracked:
2350-01-061-2306) TTS (Tank Thermal Sight) Hull.
105-MM Gun, M60A1 (NSN 2350-00-756-8497) and
M60A1/AOS (NSN 2350-01-058-9487).
TM 9-2350-253-34P-1
TM 9-2350-215-20-1 Series
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance
Repair Parts and Special Tools (Including Depot Main-
Organizational Maintenance Manual for Tank, Combat,
tenance Repair Parts and Special Tools) for Tank, 105-
Full-Tracked: 105-MM Gun, M60A1 (NSN 2350-00-
MM Gun, M60A3 (NSN 2350-00-148-6548) and Full-
756-8497) (Hull) and M60A1/AOS (NSN 2350-01-058-
9487) (Hull).
Tracked (NSN 2350-01-061-2306) TTS (Tank
Thermal Sight) Hull.
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