TB 9-2300-378-14
Steps (e) through (f) apply to vehicle right side (engine left
bank) ejector only (view B).
a n d nut securing engine breather adapter tube to
(e) Remove clamp, screw,
ejector assembly bracket
(view B).
(f) Loosen four clamps and
hoses securing ends of engine breather adapter tube
to engine breather tube
and ejector engine breather extension.
(g) Remove engine breather
adapter tube.
Steps (h) through (l) apply to both right and left sides.
(h) Loosen clamps and hose securing ejector assembly to intermediate scavenge
tube (views A and B).
(i) Remove six nuts securing ejector assembly and gasket to turbosupercharger
(view A, B, and C). Remove ejector from turbosupercharger. Discard gasket.
(j) S c r a p e a n y r e m a i n i n g g a s k e t m a t e r i a l f r o m m a t i n g s u r f a c e s o f
turbosupercharger and ejector assembly.
(k) Loosen clamp and remove clamp and packing from neck of ejector assembly
(view C).
(l) Remove screw, two flatwashers, lockwasher, and nut (11 places) securing two
insulation halves to ejector assembly.
(2) Installation.
Steps (a) through (c) apply to both right and left sides.
(a) Install insulation, if serviceable, on replacement ejector assembly (view C).
S e c u r e with screw, two washers, lockwasher, and nut at 11 locations. Use
new insulation and hardware as necessary.
(b) Put packing, if serviceable, on neck of ejector. Secure with clamp. Use new
packing if necessary.
(c) Put new gasket and ejector assembly in position on turbosupercharger studs.
S e c u r e ejector assembly to intermediate scavenge tube with hose and two
clamps (views A and B). U s e new hose and clamps as required. Secure
ejector assembly to turbosupercharger with six new locknuts.
Steps (d) and (e) apply to vehicle right side (engine left bank)
ejector only (view B).
(d) Secure engine breather adapter tube between engine breather tube and
ejector engine breather extension (view B) with two hoses and four clamps.
Use new hoses and clamps as required.
(e) Secure engine breather adapter tube to ejector assembly bracket with clamp,
screw, and nut (view B).
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