TB 9-2300-378-14
Take special care to protect air induction system hoses and
gaskets from weld spatter.
(3) Cut apiece of cardboard at a 60 angle and use it to check angle between No. 2, 3,
and 4 grille door and air cleaner box (view A). Grind or weld stop as shown to correct
angle. Make area of contact as large as possible to prevent stop from deforming and
changing angularity.
(4) Check clearances between No. 4 grille door and air cleaner door hinges. Ensure that a
clearance of at least 5/8-inch exists (view B). If specified clearance does not exist,
grind area on grille door adjacent to air cleaner hinge to obtain specified dimensions.
( 5 ) Check No. 3 grille door for 1/8-inch clearance between grille door hinge and air
cleaner housing (view C). If incorrect, remove door and adjust clearance by grinding
door hinges. Install grille doors.
( 6 ) Check No. 2 grille door for 1/8-inch clearance between grille door hinge and air
cleaner housing (view C). If incorrect, grind as required to obtain clearance.
Grinding can be accomplished with grille door installed.
(7) Clean, prime, and paint all bare metal areas.
(8) Connect three battery ground cables.
Prior to starting engine, check the air cleaner hose clamps
for proper installation and that the air cleaner door seal has
not been burned during grille door hinge rework. Make sure
that the air cleaner door bolts are properly secured. Inspect
air inlet and outlet hoses for burns from weld spatter.
(9) Start engine, check air cleaner blower motor and restriction indicator operation (TM-
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