![]() TB 9-2300-378-14
Inspection of left and right intake hoses is the same.
T r a v e r s e turret so main gun points over left or right
side of tank.
Open top grille doors.
Check intake hoses for misalinement (view A). A hose
t h a t appears too short may be misalined. Aline mis-
alined hoses.
Check intake hoses for holes or cracks (view B). Re-
place defective hoses. Refer to para. 3-6b.
Check for loose hose clamps (view C). Make sure hose
is properly seated and clamps are positioned correctly.
Tighten loose clamps.
C h e c k flat band clamp and screw threads on T-bolt
(view C). If clamps or threads are damaged or missing,
r e p l a c e clamp.
(2) Air Outlet Hoses (Air Cleaner to Turbosupercharger).
If finger band clamps are installed, perform steps (a)1 thru
(a)8. V-band clamps are installed, perform steps (b)1 thru
(b)7. Inspection of left and right outlet hoses is the same.
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