TM 9-2300-247-40
holes in frame and doubler to assure a firm and
Doubler Plate Fabrication.
secure attachment of the repair and to meet the
requirements for minimum bolt configuration on
a. Use 1/2-inch Society of Automotive Engineers
each side of the crack and to assure a tightly
(SAE) steel plate, NSN 9515-02-222-5059.
mated surface and proper stress distribution.
Such additional holes may be drilled after
doubler has been attached to the rail.
Use Only effective chip guarding
d. Where required, grind inside fillet welds to
equipment, protective equipment and
assure positive contact between washer and
protective clothing (goggles, shields,
doubler mating surfaces.
gloves aprons, etc) when doing any
drilling, grinding, or welding. Failure
e. When mating doubler to frame, ream doubler
to follow this warning could result in
and frame rail holes as required for proper hole
injury to personnel.
alinement and tight fit of attaching hardware.
b. Using an oxyacetylene torch, cut and trim the
Where it is necessary to remove elongation in
fabricated doubler to the desired form. Grind all
holes, holes may be enlarged to accept a larger
edges to a smooth finish. The outside edges
shall be no closer to a bolt hole than 1/2-inch.
Drill all holes in doubler to template and to
location of repair area. Where required, provide
Figure 49. Doubler at Jounce Bracket
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