![]() TB 9-1430-1533-40-1
Plug the heat exchanger and flush it by connecting the
or more, immediately renew the
radiator to a clear water source. Use a male connection
pyrosulphate solution and repeat
hose as outlet to the drain. Flush until there is no visible
steps (g) thru (r).
evidence of loose dirt.
b. Check the thermostat by holding it in a 160F
o. Stop the pump and set the rectifier current
solution (figure 9). The thermostat must extend approx.
control switch to OFF. Disconnect the pressure and
1/4" within 90 seconds. If not, replace the thermostat.
return line from reservoir No. 3. Disconnect the pump.
c. Connect the heat exchanger to the upper
Disconnect the filter housing.
connection of reservoir No. 2 (soap solution). The filter
p. Flush the heat exchanger with clear water as
must be connected between the pressure line of the
described in step (g) without the filter, until water is clear.
pump and the radiator (figure 5).
This may be observed in the inline inspection housing.
d. Turn the pump pressure regulator fully clock
q. Disconnect the heat exchanger pressure line
from the tap.
e. Start the pump and allow it to run for 20 minutes,
then stop the pump.
f. Disconnect the pressure-and-return line from
reservoir No. 2 and connect them to the clean water
Perform step r thru s only if the liquid
source and the drain. Flush until there is no visible
cooler unit is not to be installed in an
evidence of soap.
HIPIR for immediate use.
g. Inspect the filter. Replace it if necessary (figure
r. Connect the return line of the pump to the lower
h. Connect the lines to reservoir No. 1 (Versene-
connection of reservoir No. 5 (Ethylene Glycol).
Acid solution). The filter must be connected in the
s. Let the pump run, until Ethylene Glycol appears
pressure line, between the pump and the heat exchanger
in the drain. Turn off the pump.
(2, figure 5). Start the pump and allow it to run for 60
t. Connect the return line of the heat exchanger to
the upper connection of reservoir No. 5. Let the pump
i. Stop the pump and disconnect the pressure-and-
run for 5 minutes in order to preserve the heat
return line from reservoir No. 1 and connect them to a
clean water source and a drain. Flush until there is no
u. Switch off the pump and remove the lines. Drain
evidence of Versene-Acid.
the heat exchanger.
j. Install a clean #10 filter element in the filter
9. R.F. Pallet Flow Rate Detector, Power Supplies
k. Connect the pressure-and-return line to reservoir
A1 thru A4, Dummy Load. Connect the R.F. Pallet,
No. 3 (pyrosulphate solution).
Power Supplies, Flow Rate Detector and Dummy Load to
l. Set control current switch to ON (figure 2) and
the manifold as shown in figure 10.
with AMPS ADJ set rectifier current to 640 MA.
a. Connect the filter housing in the pressure line
m. Start the pump.
between the pump and the PRESS-manifold. The
n. Check the concentration of copper ions in the
RETURN-manifold must be connected to the upper
solution with Quantifix Test Paper and Color Comparator
connection of reservoir No. 2 of the cleaning station.
Chart at five minute intervals until the solution stabilizes.
Connect the lower connection of reservoir No. 2 to the
pump suction line.
b. Let the pump run for 10 minutes.
c. Remove
If, after the first 5 minutes the
respectively from the upper connection of reservoir No.
concentration of copper is 400 p.p.m.
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