TB 750-93-1
c. The subgroups following each respective group
Example: Code 01 identifies an engine assembly and
in the index are considered adequate, and change will
Code 0102 identifies the crankshaft and related parts
not be made without prior approval. Request for
within the engine assembly.
additions will be forwarded on DA Form 2028 directly to
Commanding General, U.S. Army Tank Automotive
4. General. The grouping of items is functional insofar
Command, ATTN: AMSTA-TP, Warren, Mich. 48090.
as practicable. Only a minor portion of the groupings
d. Where a main or subgroup covers several
are based on location or application for reasons
variations of like equipment, the insertion of the item
considered unavoidable.
It is essential that such
name in lieu of the words "Major Assemblage" is
groupings be kept to an absolute minimum. The use of
In the subgroup entries following these
miscellaneous categories has been avoided wherever
insertions, only those applicable to the inserted name
possible. In establishing the basic groups (two-digit
will be used for coverage of the major assemblage
numbers), the grouping previously used by former
technical services has been followed as closely as
e. The descriptive nomenclature following many
possible. By this method, the various groups such as
of the functional group codes uses the phrase "et cetera
01-Engine, 07-Transmission, 12-Brakes, etc., are
(etc)." This is intended to cover any items or accessories
standardized and will be universally recognized by the
that are not otherwise specifically listed therein, which
man in the field, regardless of the branch of service.
normally would belong under that index title. It is also
Due to the diversity of equipment, other basic groups
intended to cover future items that may come into the
have been added, some of which apply to items which
Army Materiel Command area of responsibility and
are peculiar to individual equipment of the former
minimize requests for minor changes to the functional
technical services.
group codes. Addition to descriptive nomenclature may
be made at the discretion of the user upon the
5. Instructions. a. When the title of a respective
introduction of materiel not previously covered. The
group includes several items, select only those items for
added materiel must be functionally related to the
the final title which apply to the equipment being
subgroup. In this case, prior approval is not required,
since the numerical designators are not affected.
b. Additional unspecified items may belong in any
given group, if functionally associated with the item
names or if they are merely different names of the same
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