TB 600-2
gas or chemical attack.
c. Do not stand close to open moving cables.
c. Light signals indicating action expected or
d. Always lower tractor dozer blade and drawn
direction of movement are used in night exercises to
attachments when equipment is standing.
control the column and move individual equipment.
e. Keep moldboards of graders angled well under
d. The use of signals is taught best by illustrations,
the machine when not in use.
demonstration, and application. Signal drills must be
f. Do not raise crane boom too high as it may snap
repeated until all students are thoroughly familiar with all
back over the cab should the load be suddenly released.
signals and can recognize them instantly, demonstrate
g. Always shut engine OFF before filling fuel tank.
them properly, and comply with them promptly. Signals
h. Do not permit persons to ride trailers of tractor
(when applicable), should be used throughout the course
trailer trains.
of instruction.
i. Always lower forks and set parking brake on
forklift trucks when left unattended. Report accidents in
4-18. Operation of the Equipment. This phase of
accordance with AR 385-40.
instruction is designed to give the student operator
sufficient operating experience to enable him to
Fire Prevention and Firefighting.
habitually follow the proper procedures and techniques
prospective operators must be made aware of fire on or
in performing operator maintenance services, starting
within the equipment to be operated. Rags, spilled oil,
the equipment, manipulating the controls, and moving
gasoline, diesel fuel and cleaning fluids in open
the equipment, if applicable. During this phase of
containers must be removed from the equipment prior to
instructions, the student learns to apply the knowledge
working on electrical components, or starting the engine.
gained during his preliminary training.
Emphasis must be placed on fire prevention and proper
construction equipment and materiel handling equipment
use of fire extinguishers.
includes a wide variety of vehicles; no single operating
course is outlined to make qualified personnel proficient
4-17. Visual Signals. Signals, when applicable, must
in all phases of operation. As a general rule, the training
be taught thoroughly to insure adequate control,
areas where this phase of instruction is given should be
understanding of orders, and cooperative action. They
simple, on level terrain, away from congested areas, and
provide flexibility of maneuver in tactical situations, allow
free from obstructions and distractions.
for fine adjustments of positions in congested areas, and
a. The student operator must complete with each
permit commanders to control a group of motor vehicular
phase satisfactorily before going to the next phase.
Supervision must be rigid to prevent any trial and-error-
communication measures. FM 21-60 illustrates and
type operation.
To attain maximum progress, the
explains these signals.
assignment of one instructor or assistant to each five
a. Hand and arm signals can be used to prescribe
students is desirable.
direction, speed, caution, formation desired, and action
b. On each new exercise and before the student
expected. These signals may be augmented as need
attempts the problem, the assistant instructor
arises; however, care must be taken to avoid confusion
demonstrates the correct operating technique for the
and to keep everyone concerned informed on the
meaning and use of additional signals.
c. During all phases of student operation, each
b. Flag signals are limited by the colors and
student maintains separate logbooks for his equipment,
numbers of flags available. Green, orange and red flags
which is handed to the senior instructor after each day of
are available through normal supply channels. Green
operation. These logbooks can serve as a valuable aid
normally means everything is operational and equipment
in determining the effectiveness of the inspections and
and crew are ready for orders. Red means danger and
services the equipment received.
warrants investigation.
Orange usually indicates
equipment out of action but no help needed.
will prevent much equipment abuse during all phases of
prearrangement, combinations of two or all three colors
equipment training.
can be used to indicate action expected or serve as a
warning of
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