TB 600-2
with the provisions of AR 750-1, regarding command
1-1. Purpose. This bulletin outlines a system for
selecting, training, testing, and qualifying operators of
construction equipment and materiel handling equipment
1-5. Operator Training Program. a. AR 750-1 states
managed/supported by US Army Tank-Automotive
that prevention of equipment abuse is the commanding
Materiel Readiness Command (TARCOM).
officer's responsibility. The best way for him to prevent
equipment abuse is by proper selection, training,
This bulletin prescribes the steps
examination, and supervision of operators. To establish
necessary in selecting and training operator instructors
and maintain operator efficiency, certain definite and
progressive steps, which are covered in this manual
and examiners and in selecting, training, examining, and
should be followed.
supervising operators of TARCOM managed/supported
b. Standard Form 46 is issued only to persons who
construction equipment, materiel handling equipment
have passed examinations conducted by qualified
and armor-vehicle-launched bridge (AVLB).
examiners in accordance with AR 600-55.
c. To be effective, operator training must have the
1-3. Applicability. This bulletin applies to the following
close cooperation and supervision of all commanders
and instructor personnel. The commander must make
a. Mixing plants, rock crushers, and saw mills.
certain that adequate time is allowed for training
instructor personnel; the operator training program
cannot succeed unless its instructors are proficient.
c. Wheeled or track type tractors, front loaders,
d. As a rule, training and examining of operators
motorized scrapers, rollers and sweepers.
should not be decentralized below battalion level.
d. Crawler, truck, and wheel mounted cranes.
Conducting training at this level, fullest use can be made
of the best instructor personnel in the organization; a
more stringent control/supervision can be applied, and
more efficient and economical use can be made of
f. Warehouse cranes.
required special equipment.
1-6. Test Administration and Supply. a. General
Every person operating any of this equipment must
testing conditions as outlined in AR 611-5 and AR 611-
possess a valid Standard Form 46 (US Government
201 will apply for administration of operator selection
Motor Vehicles Operator's Identification Card).
b. Materials and manuals will be requested through
1-4. Objectives of Operator Training. a. The proper
normal publication supply channels in accordance with
selection, training, qualification and supervision of
DA Pam 310-8.
operators is essential for efficient maintenance and
operation and insuring materiel readiness.
b. A carefully planned/implemented operator
Technical Bulletin may also be
training program is essential to assure that selected
applied to bituminous and water
personnel are knowledgeable in every phase of
distributors, dump, concrete and
quarry trucks, compactors, tampers,
operation concerning the specific equipment.
drill machines, 250 ft 3/min and
c. Only those of proven qualifications should be
higher compressors, pile driving
authorized to operate TARCOM managed/ supported
equipment, concrete saws, slipform
pavers, hydraulic excavators, road
d. Faulty operation and lack of, or improper
planers, log skidders, aggregate
operator maintenance are recognized as sources of
storage and distribution bins, and
major equipment failures. Commanders, by eliminating
asphalt repair equipment, and other
these sources through an active/ efficient program of
related construction and materiel
training and supervision, will materially reduce the
logistical (maintenance and repair parts) problems, and
will insure compliance
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