TB 55-8115-200-23
Tests and Repair
21. Tests.
The light test requires that the inspector be inside the
MILVAN to check for light leaks. During the test, it is
necessary that an assistant be positioned outside the
MILVAN to close and open the doors, since there is no
inside escape latch on the container doors.
a. Light Test. After sandblasting, and at final inspection of the MILVAN'S understructure, it is
necessary that it be raised not less than 6 inches off the ground/floor and set on stands conforming to
AMRC Drawing No. AC200000.210, or equivalent. With doors closed, using a minimum of a 100 watt bulb
as a light source, inspect the roof, bottom, sides and ends for light penetration into the interior of the con-
tainer. Repair cracks, holes, etc., as required.
b. Weatherproof Testing. Each container will be tested for weatherproofness before application of
finish paint, or the installation of the plywood liner. A stream of water will be applied to all joints, seams
and gasketed closures of the container from an 0.5 inch (1.53 m) ID nozzle at a nozzle pressure of not less
than 15 psig (pounds per square inch - gaged) (1.05 kg/cm2). Rate of movement over the exterior of the con-
tainer shall be approximately 4 feet per second. The nozzle will be held 5 feet (1.525 m) away from the con-
tainer under test. Continue the test for at least 15 minutes. After testing, examine the interior of the con-
tainer. The penetration of any moisure into the container shall constitute failure of the weatherproof test.
c. Repair Procedures. To preclude additional container handling and to prevent bare metal from
rusting due to water testing, the following is a step-by-step general repair procedure.
(1) Sandblast
(2) Light test
(3) Repair
(4) Apply wash primer (allow a minimum of 2 hours drying time)
(6) Water test
(6) Complete work as required
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