SB 740-95-10
veals unsatisfactory new materiel from a manufacturer or
shall be marked "Corrected Co V." Denote the corrected
unsatisfactorily renovated, repaired, or modified materiel
entries by encircling them.
c. Classified Data. Unless specifically authorized
from a contractor. Prepare and distribute SF 368 as
specified in AR 702-7.
by the US Army Armament Research and Development
(4) Critical defects report. When a critical
Command, Security Office, place no classified
defect is found, report it immediately to the Commander,
information on the materiel serviceability reports. Use
US Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command,
special codes as much as possible in preparing the
ATTN: DRSAR-QAE, Rock Island, IL 61299. Report the
documents when materiel or information is classified. If
incident via teletype or telephone and follow the initial
classified information is required place it on a separate
report with a DA Form 984 giving complete in- formation
sheet, not the materiel serviceability report form. Properly
concerning the extent of, and the circumstances
mark this sheet and transmit it by authorized means
pertaining to, the critical defect.
according to its degree of classification. Attention is
b. Errors in Reports.
directed to AR 380-5 which states that unnecessary
classification or higher than necessary classification is to
(1) Only errors that affect the serviceability
be avoided.
status of the materiel evaluated need be corrected. Make
d. Submission of Reports. With the exception of
corrections by replacing those specific pages affected by
re- ports used for "Special Inspection", submit an original
the error with "Corrected Copies."
and two copies of all reports required by this bulletin to
(2) The inspection activity that initiated the
the Commander, US Army Armament Materiel
erroneous report shall prepare and distribute the
Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSAR-QAE, Rock Is-
corrected pages required by (1) above. Each such page
land, IL 61299.
2-9. References. The following publications are applicable to this bulletin.
AR 380-5
Information Security Program Regulation
AR 700-15
Packaging of Materiel
AR 700-89
Identification, Control, and Utilization of Shelf-Life Items
AR 702-7
Reporting of Product Deficiencies Across Component Lines
AR 708-1
Cataloging and Supply Management Data
AR 725-50
Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System
AR 740-1
Storage and Supply Activity Operations
AR 740-3
Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS)
DARCOM-R 702-7
Depot Quality Assurance System
DARCOM-R 702-23
Storage Serviceability Standards
Handbook H53
Quality and Reliability Assurance Guide for Sampling Inspection
Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributies
Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions
MIL-STD- 129
Marking for Shipment and Storage
Commercial Packaging of Supplies and Equipment
SB 740-1
Storage and Supply Activities; Covered and Open Storage
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
TM 743-200-1
Storage and Materiel Handling
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