SB 740-91-01
Battery Computer Unit
1. General
This procedure provides a description of special test equipment, fixturing, cabling, instrumentation, and instructions for
performing the inspection and evaluations applicable to Battery Computer Unit CP-1317/GYK-29.
2. Test Equipment/Test Setup
All tests are to be performed under the following environmental conditions, unless otherwise stated:
23+ 10C (73+ 18F)
Relative Humidity:
80 percent maximum
All test equipment is to be energized for at least 30 minutes prior to utilization, unless otherwise specified in operating
manual for the test equipment.
All tests are to be performed in an electromagnetic shielded enclosure, if in a high RF field of interference.
test setups.
Table B-1. Test Equipment for Procedure
Technical Manual (Ref.)
Power Supply, Hewlett-Packard, Model 6274B(2)
Coax Cable (50 ), Commercial (2)
Load, 47 20 watt, Commercial (2)
3. Inspection Requirements
The following mechanical-visual inspections are applicable to all Battery Computer Units series systems, sets, units, and
assemblies and further define the coded inspection criteria given in appendix A.
(a) Visual Inspection
(1) All decals are in place and all nomenclature is legible.
(2) All external connectors are securely mounted, free from damage and missing pins, have protective
covers installed.
(3) All connectors and receptacles are identified.
(4) Verify all covers are tight and no screws or bolts are stripped.
(5) The MSG ALARM cover is tight and has a metal stranded wire securing the cover to the BCU
Change 1 B-130.1
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