SB 740-91-01
Settings and Instructions
Normal Indication
(m) Turn the RT-841/PRC-77 function switch to
ME-30A/U should indi-
retrans position
cate an output. ME-
26B/U should indicate
o ohm (squelch relay
(n) Set the AN/URM-103 attenuator control to
ME-30A/U should indi-
0.35 PV
cate an output. ME-
26B/U should indicate
O ohm (squelch relay
(o) Set the AN/URM-103 attenuator control for
The ME-30A/I should in-
a reading of 0, and reset to 0.5 pV after
dicate no output, and
performance has been checked
ME-26B/U should indi-
cate an open circuit
(infinite resistance;
squelch de-energized)
with input at D PV.
(p) Set switch S2 to OFF and set AN/URM-103
The ME-30A/U should
output control for a 15 KC indication on
indicate no output and
the modulation and incremental frequency
ME-26B/U should indi-
cate an open circuit.
(q) Set AN/URM-103 output control for a 12 KC
The ME-30A/U should in-
indication on the modulation and incre-
dicate an outputME-
mental frequency meter, and set switch S2
26B/U should indicate
to ON
D ohm (squelch relay
(r) Repeat steps in paragraphs a through q
above at frequency of 64.05 MHz except
that the AN/URM-103 be changed as follows:
(1) Range Switch. C
(2) Coarse Tuning Control. 64.05 MHz
Transmitter RF power output
(a) Set the power supply for 12.5 VDC and con-
nect to "POWER" connector in the front
panel of the RT-841/PRC-77 with Test Cable
No. 2.
(b) Connect the test equipment in accordance
with figure B-12.
(c) Energize all test equipment. On the RT-841/
PRC-77, set function switch to the "ON" posi-
tion, and the frequency to 30.05 MHz.
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