SB 740-91-01
Setting and Instructions
Normal Indication
(2) On AN/USM-207, set the controls as follows:
Display Control. Set for desired dis-
play time.
(b) Sensitivity. 1OOV
(c) Gate Time. (sec-1):16
(d) Function. Freq
(e) Range MC. 40-100
(f) Mixing Frequency MCS. 40
(3) On AN/URM-103, set the controls as follows:
(a) Band Switch. C
(b) RF Tuning. 41.05 MHz
(c) Deviation Range. 10 kHz
(d) Function. 1000 Hz
(e) Deviation Adjust. For 8 kHz on Devi-
ation Meter
(f) LP RF Set To Line. Right-hand meter
to red line.
(g) RF Output. LO
(4) On RT-246( )/VRC or RT-524( )/VRC:
(a) Band. A
(b) Light. On
(c) MC-TUNE-KC. 41.05 MHz
(d) Squelch. Old on
(e) Volume. Fully counterclockwise
(f) Power. Low
(g) Speaker. Off (RT-524( )/VRC only)
(5) Press Reset Switch on AN/USM-207.
(6) Adjust AN/URM-103 RF tuning control for
41.05 MHz.
(7) Adjust AN/URM-103 RF lV control for
minimum output.
(8) Slowly advance AN/URM-103 LO RF lV con-
RF Attenuator lV con-
trol until Call indicator lights. Note
trol setting should
setting of control.
be 0.7 lV or less.
(9) Slowly reduce input to 0.55 lV. Squelch
(call lamp remains
shall remain unbroken.
(10) Repeat test for frequency 64.05 MHz by
changing the AN/USM-207 controls as
(a) Range MC. 40-100
(b) Mixing Freq MCS. 60
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