*SB 11-206
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC
31 May 1983
General. This bulletin outlines the requisitioning,
dosimetry are the different techniques used in measuring
short-time, high-level exposure (tactical) and cumulative
processing, and disposal procedures for the primary
low-level exposure (nontactical or technical).
dosimetric device used in the detection of technical
e. Processing. The chemical development and
(nontactical) dosages from ionizing radiation sources,
evaluation of the images formed on photographic films
including x-rays. The current primary dosimeter is the
by ionizing radiation.
film badge issued by the US Army Ionizing Radiation
f. Wearing Period. The length of time during
Dosimetry Center (AIRDC). However, the AIRDC may
which a dosimeter is worn by the individual being
issue thermoluminescent dosimeters or other devices as
monitored. Initially, the dosimetry service is furnished for
the primary dosimeter for use in certain monitoring
a work-week period.
This may be modified for
situations. This bulletin also describes the operation of
monitoring on a monthly basis. The initial wearing
the Central Dosimetry Records Repository maintained
period may be one month where the dosimeters are to
by the AIRDC. Procedures and responsibilities for the
be used on standby basis such as for atomic incident or
control and recording of exposures to ionizing radiation
CBR teams.
are outlined in AR 40-14.
g. Control Dosimeters.
Dosimeters used to
Applicability. This bulletin applies to all persons
compute correlation factors for incidental exposure or
deterioration which may occur in transit or storage.
who utilize the dosimetry service provided by the AIRDC.
h. Code Designator.
A coding system which
Definitions. The following definitions apply to this
identifies each separate dosimeter with a specific period
of time, the using installation, and the wearing individual.
bulletin. Note: The explanation of terms in AR 40-14 is
The exchange of dosimeters and correspondence in
also applicable to the bulletin.
a. Photodosimetry.
Measurement of radiation
reference thereto between the using installation and
AIRDC will employ the code designator appearing on the
dosage received from beta, gamma, and X-ray emitting
sources including radioactive materials, X-ray machines,
i. Dosage. Quantity of radiation exposure, as
nuclear reaction equipment, and nuclear bombardment
applied to an individual, expressed in rem or millirem.
devices by means of exposure of photographic films.
b. Film Badge. A film packet in a holder. The
Maximum permissible exposures are prescribed by The
Surgeon General.
holder normally includes a means of attaching to the
j. Monthly Wearing Period. The length of time
wearer's clothing.
c. Film Packet. One or more pieces of radiation
from the 1st, 2d, 3d, or 4th Sunday of one month to the
1st, 2d, 3d, or 4th Sunday respectively of the following
detection film, similar to dental X-ray film, in a light-proof
month. Once each calendar quarter, this wearing period
envelope issued and standarded by AIRDC.
d. Technical Radiation Exposure.
will be 5 weeks long.
k. Using Installation. The installation or agency
radiation exposure to medical, dental, and industrial X-
which uses the army dosimetry service to measure the
ray machines; radioactive materials; nuclear reaction
technical radiation exposure of all or a portion of its
equipment; and nuclear bombardment devices. In some
applications, the term nontactical is used to distinguish
between technical and tactical radiation exposure. The
major distinctions between tactical and nontactical
*This bulletin supersedes SB 11-206, 18 April 1969.
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