SB 10-495-1/NAVSUP PUB 436/MCO P10110.26B/AFMAN 41-121
Nourishments are calculated with the preceding meal in
A. General
the recapitulations.
The menus are designed to use components of the
Standard B Ration, and to promote acceptability and
E. Juices
nutritional adequacy.
Other menu items can be
Dehydrated instant orange and grape fruit juice are pulp-
prepared from the B Ration components, in addition to
free and allowed on Clear Liquid Diets. If canned fluid
those specified in the menus. The alternate menu items
Juices are substituted, they must be strained before
should maintain or increase acceptability. Changes in
serving to Clear Liquid Diets.
the menus or recipes need to be reflected in the
quantitative allowances. The ten-day menus should be
F. Issue Frequency
repeated as required. In the patient population, the
Issue requirements have been calculated for each daily
following diet distribution is expected to occur. Exact
menu. Those items listed in "Italics" on the daily
percentages may vary with scenario and location of
ingredients charts are tabulated only in the
Recapitulation of Menu Issues (Section IV-N). Dining
packets containing 2 sugars, salt, pepper, straw and
Regular .....................................65%
Dental Liquid ................... 07%
napkin are planned for all patient feeding (Remove the
High Calorie-High Protein .........09%
Full Liquid........................ 04%
pepper packet prior to serving patients on Clear and Full
Dental Soft .................................03%
Clear Liquid ..................... 11%
Tube Feeding.............................01%
Liquid diets.) Daily Ingredients for Meals and Issue
TOTAL ....................................... 77%
TOTAL ........................... 23%
Chart quantities are based on 100 staff and 100
B. Tube Feedings
G. Meal Beverages
Depending on the Service, powdered commercial tube
Coffee, tea, and decaffeinated coffee are planned for
feedings are standard subsistence (National Stock
each meal. Individual packets of coffee and nondairy
Number 8940-01-304-3620) or medical supply items.
creamer are used for patient feeding. Coffee, bulk,
(When tube feedings are a medical supply item they are
roast, ground is used for staff dining hall service. Cocoa
ordered through the pharmacy.) The nutritional analysis
is served to patients on Dental Liquid and Full Liquid
of these feedings is not included in this document due to
Diets and is optional for patients on Regular Diets at
the frequency of formulation changes. The commercial
each breakfast meal. A fruit-flavored beverage is
product will be reconstituted by dietary personnel. If
served at each lunch and dinner meal, in addition to
commercial tube feedings are unavailable, prepare the
coffee and tea.
feedings using the recipes in Section V-11.
H. Milk
ingredients for 1200 cc are listed on page 4-85. For
Milk provides essential nutrients and enhances meal
either preparation, all equipment must be properly
acceptability. On the Regular Diet, either milk or a soup
sanitized and the product refrigerated immediately after
is served with each meal. When fresh or UHT milk is
No more than 500 cc of tube feeding
available, it will be served in its original container. If
should be placed in each I.V. bag. Due to limited ward
neither one is available, reconstitute non-fat dry milk
refrigeration, prepare and deliver tube feedings to the
and serve it as a beverage. A vanilla-flavored milk
wards three times per day. The nutritional analysis for
recipe is provided as a variation when consumer
noncommercial tube feeding formulas is listed in
acceptance is low. Sanitize the bulk milk containers
Section VII.
prior to and after use. Reconstituted milk must be
C. Forced Fluids
refrigerated at all times. Discard unused reconstituted
An estimated 40 to 50 per cent of all patients will have
milk after each meal.
forced fluid orders of 4000 to 5000 cc per day. The
I. Bread
fluids on the tray provide approximately 2200 cc. The
If prebaked bread is unavailable, use the alternate
remaining fluids will be provided through nourishment'
products and ingredients included in the menus, issue
and drinking water. Nutrition Care will provide half of
charts and recapitulations. Crackers may also be
the remaining fluid requirement, primarily in fruit-
substituted. When prebaked bread becomes available,
flavored ades which is specified on the daily menu. It
the issue rate of 16 pounds of baked bread per 100
will be prepared each day and the ingredients
persons provides for a portion size of two slices per
recapitulated with the breakfast meal. The other half
meal, based on 24 to 25 slices per two-pound loaf.
will be provided on the ward through drinking water.
J. Crackers
D. Nourishments
Crackers are planned as a soup accompaniment and for
Nourishments are required for all modified diets and
late meals at an issue rate of approximately 2 1/2
some the regular diets. They will be served three times
pounds per 100 persons. If bread is unavailable,
per day, midway between meals and in the evening.
substitute crackers at the rate of 5 pounds of crackers
per 100 persons.
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