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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
the SWB are 62 momentary switches, 65
operation commands and the status
light emitting diode (LED) indicators, and
holds Serial I/O and VF Comm
three hidden accessible toggle switches
status. The Modem Controller 2
Link 2
for program debugging. When enabled, it
is used
only in the ACOC Group Processor.
is capable of sending switch closures to
the Program Maintenance Panel logic
5 - 7 6 6 .  PBI (8033 1250-000) (see figure
which drives the indicators and provides
129). The PBI (Switch: AlA3A20, ACOC:
interface with the INFIBUS. Operating in
AlA3A17) contains three unique types of
the master mode it can communicate via
IC's (type SN74161J, SN74175N, and
the INFIBUS with any other addressable
NS74197N). The applicable paragraph de-
system module such as CPU, memories,
scribing these unique IC's are listed in
or peripheral device controllers. In the
t a b l e 5-l. The PBI, in conjunction with
slave mode other systems modules can
the PCB and SWB, forms the Program
access the Program Maintenance Panel via
Maintenance Panel. The PBI provides the
the INFIBUS. If data on the INFIBUS that
logic and interface between the Program
is addressed to the Program Maintenance
Maintenance Panel and INFIBUS enabling
Panel, conflicts with information stored in
the Program Maintenance Panel to gain
the Program Maintenance Panel, the data
INFIBUS access. The PBI provides control
from the Program Maintenance Panel is
logic, timing, micro operations, and bus
always retained.
driver/receiver circuits. The timing cir-
cuits consist of clock, state generation
5 - 7 6 9 .  CM MIA (80332060-000) (see
and a control register. The Micro opera-
figure 132).  The CM MIA (AlA8Al) contains
t i o n s circuit controls INFIBUS access logic,
the timing and control logic, address regis-
address recognition, and address compari-
ter and reset circuits of the Core Memory.
The timing and control logic receives the
control signals from the Processor and
PCB (80331260-000) (see figure
generates internal timing signals which con-
130).  The PCB (Switch: AlA3A21, ACOC:
trol all functions in the Core Memory. The
AlA3A18) contains eight unique types of
address register receives 15 address bits
IC's (Type SN7493A, SN74150P, SN74154N,
from the Processor. Bits 0 to 6 are X ad-
SN74157N, SN74175N, SN74198N,
dress and bits 7 to 12 are Y address. Bits
N8266B, and HD0165). The applicable
13, 14 and 15 at-c decoded to produce C
paragraph describing these unique IC's
BSM select signals. The reset circuit pre-
are listed in table 5-1. The PCB in con-
junction with the PCI and SWB forms the
vents accidental loss of data in event of
Maintenance Panel which provides the
power failure, providing an orderly shut
logic and interface between the Program
down sequence and ensuring that the cycle
Maintenance Panel and INFIBUS. The PCB
in progress is properly completed.
provides the Program Maintenance Panel
SWB switches and indicators with the
CM MIB (80331370-000) (see
necessary registers and drivers. The PCB
figure 133).  The CM MIB (AlA8A2) provides
sends and receives data to and from the
the data register and zone control circuits
INFIBUS via strobed bus driver/receivers.
of the Core Memory. The data register
Also contained in the PCB are switch
consists of 18 flip-flops, one for each
system bit. Gated by signal +SAS and
identification, shift register, address re-
cognition and address comparison circuits.
reset by timing signal +RDR the data regis-
ter receives and stores information from
the CM MMA core memory stack until it is
strobed to the data output lines and/or
restored in the core memory stack. The
data register also stores incoming infor-
mation from the data input lines during
write operations. Zone control is opera-
tive during the clear/write write cycle and

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