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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
generated on the INFIBUS or when the Mag
G2 which disables G3. PCDA-P activates
Tape Controller is slaved to write into its
G8 and the output of G8 disables G10 and
status register, the Mag Tape Controller
sets FF3. The 0 output of FF3 disables
data output and control register circuit
gates G7 and G4. Disabling G4 causes
generates GRSA-N. GRSA-N clears flip-
SRL3-N to be removed. The 0 output of
flops FF2 through FF5, and activates gate
FF3 is also coupled through driver DR2
G13 which resets flip-flop FFl.
which generates SACK-N (waveform H,
figure 45). The Bus Controller senses
5-566. When a control word that enables
SACK-N and removes SEL3-N which disables
interrupts is stored in the Mag Tape Con-
G7. Also, when PCDA-P returns to low,
troller data output and control register cir-
G8 is disabled.  This activates G10 and
cuit, CR2S-P (waveform A, figure 45) is
the output of G10 clears FF2. The 1 output
generated which enables the set input of
(low) of FF2 disables G2, G4 and G8, and
the output of G2 enables G3 to couple
PCDA-P through to the INFIBUS as PCDB-P.
5-567. When the Mag Tape Controller
The 1 output of FF3 enables G10, and acti-
notifies the Block Transfer Adapter to per-
vates gate G9 which sets FF4 and activates
form a transfer, the Mag Tape Controller
gate G14.
read/write control status circuit generates
PDSA-N (waveform C, figure 45) which
5-570. The 0 output of FF4 disables G7,
enables gate G5. At the same time, if the
and the 1 output of FF4 enables gates G11
Formatter function generates STS2-N,
and G15, and activates G16. G16 gener-
STS2-N activates G5. The output of G5
ates BONE-N (waveform I, figure 45) which
activates gate G6 and the output of G6 ac-
also activates G14. G14 generates BOLA-P
tivates gate Gl. Or, if the Formatter
(waveform J, figure 45) and BOLA-P and
function generates SC low, inverter I2
BONE-N cause the Mag Tape Controller de-
inverts the low SC and the output of I2 ac-
vice number to be placed on the INFIBUS
tivates G6 which activates G1. If an error
d a t a lines. Also, BOLA-P enables gates
is detected when transferring data to or
G17 and G18, and is inverted by inverter
from the Formatter function, the Mag Tape
I8. The output of I8 is delayed 50 nsec
Controller read/write control status circuit
by delay DLl which then activates G18.
generates EROR-N (waveform D, figure 45)
G18 generates STRB-N which is routed to
which activates Gl. When the Block
the INFIBUS and also Inverted by inverter
Transfer Adapter completes all required
I9 which generates STRA-P (waveform K,
transfers, the Mag Tape Controller data out-
figure 45). STRA-P activates G11 which
put and control register circuit generates
clears FF3. The 0 output (high) of FF3
CATS-P (waveform B, figure 45) which acti-
enables G4 and G7 and causes SACK-N
v a t e s Gl.
to be removed. The 1 output of FF3 disables
G9 and G10.  STRA-P is also inverted by
5-568. When any of the cases discussed
inverter I7 which disables G9.
which activates G1 occurs, the output of
Gl is inverted by inverter I1 which triggers
5-571. After the data is transferred,
and sets FFl. The 1 output of FFl activates
DONE-N (waveform M, figure 45) is re-
gate G7 which sets FF2 and disables gates
ceived.  DONE-N is inverted by inverter
G2 and G8. The 1 output of FF2 enables
I4 which generates BDNA-P (waveform N,
figure 45).  BDNA-P activates G15 and G16,
G2 and G8, and activates G4. The output
and is also inverted by inverter I3. The
of G4 is coupled through driver DRl which
output of G15 sets FF5 and activates G13
generates SRL3-N (waveform E, figure 45).
which resets FF1. The output of I3 dis-
ables G9 and G12. With FF5 set, Gl2 is
5 - 5 6 9 .  The Bus Controller senses SRL3-N
enabled and when DONE-N returns to high,
and returns SEL3-N (waveform F, figure 45)
BDNA-P goes low which disables G15 and
and the precedance pulse PCDA-P (wave-
form G, figure 45). SEL3-N disables G7.
G16 removing BONE-N. The output of I3
The output of G7 enables G8 and activates
now activates G12 which clears FF4. The

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