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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
of sixteen arithmetic functions on two paral-
carry generator U41. Each ALU Ul, U11,
lel 16-bit words. One 16-bit word is from
U21, or U31 indicates a carry condition by
the CPU ALU input multiplexer circuit and
generating the X and Y outputs which are
the other 16-bit word is from the CPU reg-
routed to the respective X and Y inputs of
ister file circuit. Commands from the CPU
look-ahead carry generator U41. If ALU U31
microcode register circuit specify which
indicates a carry condition, look-ahead
logical or arithmetic function is to be per-
carry generator U41. ALU Ul, U11, U21,
formed on the two words by the CPU ALU
or U31 indicates a carry condition by gen-
circuit.  The output of the CPU ALU circuit
erating the X and Y outputs which are
can be stored in the CPU transmit register
generator U41 generates CN08-N which is
circuit, CPU address register circuit, or
routed to ALU Ul1. If ALU Ull indicates a
CPU emulation instruction register circuit
carry condition, look-ahead carry generator
and/or the CPU register file circuit.
U41 generates CN12-N which is routed to
ALU Ul. If ALU Ul indicates a carry con-
5-210. Detail Analysis (see figure 20). The
dition, COUT-N is generated by ALU Ul
ALU portion of the circuit consists of ALU's
and routed to the CPU carry and overflow
Ul, U11, U21, and U31. Each ALU performs
circuit to indicate a carry condition.
16 binary arithmetic operations or 16 Boolean
(logical) operations on two 4-bit nibbles.
5-213. ALU's U1, U11, U21 and U31 gen-
The CPU ALU input multiplexer circuit gen-
erate LBOO-P through LBl5-P which are
erates YOOA-P through Y15A-P which are ap-
routed to the CPU address register circuit,
plied to the B inputs of the four ALU's Ul,
CPU transmit register circuit, CPU register
U11, U21, and U31.  The CPU register file
file circuit, and CPU emulation instruction
circuit generates XOOS-P through Xl5S-P
register circuit. LB12- P through LB15-P are
which are applied to the A inputs of the four
also routed to the Bus Controller where they
ALU's Ul, U11, U21, and U31.
are used as mask bits when the Bus Con-
troller and CPU are handling interrupts.
5 - 2 1 1 .  The CPU microcode register circuit
generates M28T-P through M3lT-P which
5-214. When two 16-bit words of equal
are applied to the S inputs of ALU U31 and
magnitude are applied to the A and B inputs
ALU U21. These inputs specify which one
of the ALU's Ul, U11, U21, and U31 and a
of the 16 arithmetic or logical operations
comparison operation is to be performed,
are to be performed. Drivers DRl through
each A = B output of the four ALU's Ul, Ull,
DR4 generate M28B-P through M31B-P which
U21, and U31 go high. The four A = B out-
are applied to the S inputs of ALU Ul and
puts are wire-anded together and ALU1-P is
ALU U11. These inputs specify which one
genera ted. ALU1-P is routed to the CPU
of the 16 arithmetic or logical operations is
control circuit to indicate equality.
to be performed. M32T-P from the CPU
microcode register circuit is applied to the
M input of the four ALU's Ul, U11, U21,
and U31 and specifies whether an arithmetic
or logical operation is to be performed. If
5 - 2 1 6 .  Genera 1. The CPU register file cir-
M32T-P is high, logical operations are per-
cuit consists of twelve 16-bit registers con-
formed and if M32T-P is low, arithmetic
structed from twelve 4-by-4 flip-flop arrays.
operations are performed.
The twelve registers consist of the program
counter (RO), seven general registers (Rl
5 - 2 1 2 .  M28B-P, M29B-P, M31B-P and
through R7), status register (R8), instruction
M32T-P arc routed to the CPU carry and
register (R9), and file A (RA) and file B (RB)
overflow circuit and enables the circuit to
registers.  Registers RO through RB are used
generate a carry. When performing arith-
internally for execution of the microcode
metic operations, the CPU carry and over-
program instructions.  The CPU microcode
flow circuit generates CYIN-P when a carry
register circuit: selects one of the twelve
condition is indicated and it is applied to
registers and data IS writtten into or read
the Cn input of ALU U31 and look-ahead
from the CPU ALU circuit.

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