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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
requested (RITE-N high) and the page num-
addresses.  The Core Memory Controller
ber is presented on the INFIBUS data lines
can only be slaved by other master Proces-
to be read by the requesting function.
sor functions and cannot request access to
5-59. AUTOLOAD.  The Autoload function
is a masterthat contains a fixed, stored
5 - 5 7 . The Core Memory Controller is as-
instruction set (ROM program) which is
signed addresses 0000 16 through EFFF 16
used to control loading of the operating
for storing the system software program and
program or utility print program (UPP) in the
data. Address 0000 16 through 00FF 16 are
Core Memory. The Autoload function can
known as the executive space of the Core
perform direct data transfers on the INFIBUS
Memory.  Whenever an address from 0000 16
and can also generate a level 1 interrupt
request for INFIBUS access.
through BFFF 16 is detected on the INFIBUS
by the Core Memory Controller, and a read
5-60. The Autoload function is initiated
or write operation is performed at the selec-
when the INFIBUS Autoload, ATLD-N, line
ted Core Memory Address, Addresses
is activated. ATLD-N is generated by the
C000 16 through DFFF 16 are used to trans-
Bus Controller after power turn on; if enabled
fer data in or out of areas in the Core
as discussed previously or by the operator
Memory referred to as pages. There are 16
pressing the lighted load switch on the
pages that may be assigned for use in the
front panel. When the operator presses the
Core Memory (only two used) and the same
reset switch on the front panel, the Program
address range is used for all 16 pages. To
Maintenance Panel generates REPB-N which
determine which page data is to be transferred
causes the Bus Controller to generate
to or from the Core Memory Controller must
master reset, MRES-N. MRES-N clears all
be first set at the particular page number.
Processor functions and causes the load
Whenever a page address is sensed on the
switch located on the front panel to light.
INFIBUS by the Core Memory Controller, the
The operator must load a program tape on a
Core Memory Address is shifted to the
Mag Tape Unit and then with the lighted
right (divided by two) by dropping the least
load switch depressed the Program Main-
significant bit and the page number (0 or 1)
tenance Panel generates ATLD-N which is
is inserted in the most significant bit.
sensed by the Autoload function.
5 - 5 8 .  To read or write into a page of Core
5 - 6 1 .  The Autoload function, after sensing
Memory, the master first places FFFF 16 on
ATLD-N, performs a DDT as explained pre-
the INFIBUS address lines and the selected
viously.  During this DDT, the address
page number, 0000 16 through 000F l6, on
0005 16 is placed on the address lines,
AB00-N through AB15-N, the Autoload
the data lines with the RITE-N line low for
a write operation. The Core Memory Con-
address, FB00 16, is placed on the data
lines, DB00-N through DB15-N, and RITE-N
troller senses this and the page number is
written into in an Internal register when
is generated. This causes the Autoload
STRB-B is generated by the master. Now
address to be stored in the Core Memory.
when the page addresses are used they will
The Core Memory Controller then indicates
be modified by having the most significant
the data is stored in the Core Memory by
four bits replaced with the stored page num-
generating DONE-N which causes the Auto-
ber and then presented to the Core Memory to
load to free the INFIBUS by removing STRB-N.
transfer data into or out of the page. To
transfer data out of or into another page,
5 - 6 2 .  After the DDT, the Autoload function
the cycle of selecting the page must be
initiates a level 1 interrupt by generating
repeated to set the Core Memory Controller
SRLl-N.  The level 1 interrupt IS performed
internal register.  To determine which page
as explained previously.  The CPU then
the Core Memory Controller has been pre-
grants the Autoload function INFIBUS access
viously set at, the Internal register is
by placing the Autoload address (stored in
addressed, FFFF 16, with a read operation
Core Memory during DDT) on the address

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