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T:O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
attention (attn) switch on the front panel IS
Controller whenever the reset switch lo-
depressed.  This causes the Bus Controller
cated on the front panel is depressed.
to generate a level 1 internal inter-
REPB-N causes the Bus Controller to gener-
ate MRCS-N (master reset) which clears all
rupts to inform the CPU of a request
Processor functions with the exception
by an operator for INFIBUS access.
Not used in TCDS.
the CPU.
5 - 5 3 . CPU. The central processor unit
(CPU) executes the software program stored
5-49  The power fall, power restart, and
in the Core Memory and processes data
software clock (LFRQ-N) level 4 internal
interrupts have the same priority level as
that is stored in the Core Memory or re-
the Processor level 4 interrupt (second
ceived from other Processor functions. It
also routes data to or from other Processor
When the Bus Controller senses one of these
functions and Core Memory, formats data,
inputs, the Bus Controller informs the CPU
and under the control of the stored software
of an interrupt with NEXT-N and the CPU
program controls the operation of the Proc-
r e s p o n d s with SCM3-N as discussed pre-
e s s o r . The CPU operates as a master or a
viously for the Processor system interrupts.
slave and performs internal arithmetic and
If no other DDT's or interrupts are being
logical operations independent of other
requested, the Bus Controller generates
Processor functions which minimizes its
SACK-N (no request-select lines are in-
utilization of the INFIBUS.
volved).  As discussed for the level 4
5 - 5 4 .  The CPU is connected to the Bus
through level 1 interrupts, the Bus Control-
ler generates HOLD-N and a binary code
Controller through the interconnecting
(ILOR-N and ILlP-N which represents the
module for the handling of Interrupts.
Interrupt level) that are routed to the CPU.
While handling interrupts the CPU performs
The Bus Controller then generates data lines
automatic save and restore of the program
count and status.  The interrupting device
DBOO-N through DB02-N which is a 3-bit
number is also) saved prior to the CPU's
device number. A d i f f e r e n t d e v i c e n u m b e r
automatic jump to the prestored interrupt
is generated for each of the three internal
vector location of the interrupting level in
interrupts.  As a result the CPU is able to
the Core Memory.
distinguish between the three level 4 inter-
nal interrupts and the level 1 self-interrupt.
5 - 5 5 .  When the CPU requires the INFIBUS
for a data transfer it generates a CPU inter-
The Bus Controller then generates
rupt (SELC-N is generated) as explained
STRB-N and DNOL-P and removes SACK-N.
previously.  The CPU also operates as a
The CPU reads the device number generated
slave and recognizes its internal register
by the Bus Controller and then generates
addresses when they are on the INFIBUS.
DONE-N to indicate a completion. The Bus
Data can be either written into or read out
Controller then removes STRB-N which frees
of these registers (depending on the level
the INFIBUS.  The CPU, under controller of
of RITE-N) by either master Processor func-
the stored software program, jumps tc a
subroutine to handle the internal interrupt
5 - 5 1 .  The Bus Controller generates CLKA--N
which is a 25 MHz square wave used by the
Autoload, Modem Controller 1, Block Trans-
fer Adapter, Mag Tape Controller, I/O Con-
troller, Modem Controller 2, and Program
Maintenance Panel functions for timing
5 - 5 2 .  REPB-N is generated by the Program
Maintenance Panel and routed to the Bus

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