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*SB 11-617
(12)  Fund (CC 52-53) fill in the letters "GA".
direct exchange wholesale control points, the document
(13)  Distribution (CC 54-56) will be blank.
number under which the item was originally submitted to
(14)  Project (CC 57-59) USARV will fill in "LFF"--
the CONUS depot will be cited in the remarks column of
all other Army activities will fill in "LFE". (15) Priority
the requisition.
c.  The major command or subcommand will not
(CC 60-61) cite the appropriate UMIPS priority (01
through 20) in accordance with AR 11-11 and AR 725-
normally submit requisitions for items returned to
50. Please return priority in remarks column of DD Form
CONUS depots under the direct exchange wholesale
program. Items in the direct exchange wholesale
(16)  CC 62 through 80 will be blank.
program will be requisitioned by the field only for initial
(17)  Direct exchange wholesale will be written or
issue or to replace items that have been destroyed or
stamped in the remarks column of the 13481. In the
lost. Justification for replacement must be cited in the
event replacement is not required, write or stamp
remarks block of the requisition. In all other instances,
"Replacement not required" on turn-in documents, cite
the NICP will initiate replacement action based on
no project code and follow normal turn-in A procedures.
receipts from the field.
g. Items with the DD Form 1348-1 attached will be
d. There will be no authorized stockage levels at
evacuated to the prime depot cited on the USAECOM
theater depots (TASL). Exchange stockage levels will be
SIL. Evacuation will be effected by registered air parcel
kept at wholesale exchange evacuation points. Only
post or as appropriate. Pre-addressed cushion sacks
evacuation points are authorized to stock DXW items.
e. Major commands and/or subcommands may
(formerly "Jiffy Bags") will be used as packaging where
possible. The letters "DXW" will be annotated on the
request CONUS Depot support when experience reveals
outside of the sack. Return of unserviceables to CONUS
that an item designated field reparable cannot, in fact,
depots should be on an as received basis. Return should
be repaired in the field. In such cases, the field
be effected within 24 hours of receipt.
commander will identify the item and specific problem
h. Major commands and/or subcommand will
inhibiting field repair capability so that technical
submit quarterly forecasted requirements to USAECOM
evaluation can be accomplished at USAECOM. Such
on all DXW items 90 days prior to the beginning of each
items will be coordinated with other commands to
Fiscal Year.
determine desirability of reclassification of applicable
i.  The supporting depot will provide commercial
maintenance allocation charts and recoverability codes
contracting services as required for repair of direct
to cause the item to be managed under the DXW
exchange wholesale items.
program. Evacuation of such items under the direct
j.  The supporting depot upon receipt will place the
exchange wholesale program will be authorized only
upon receipt of written approval from USAECOM.
item in the appropriate condition code, and notify the
f.  The direct exchange wholesale control points
NICP VIA transceiver of receipt of the item. This will be
done by perpetuating on a DD Form 1486 (DOD
will evacuate only items included in the SIL. DD Form
Materiel Receipt document) the data received on the DD
1348-1 (DOD single line item release/receipt document)
Form 1348-1, and adding the document identifier code
will accompany the evacuated equipment to the
(CC 1-3) "D6R" and the depot routing identifier (CC 44-
supporting depot for exchange. The DD Form 1348-1
6) as appropriate.
will be filled in by the direct exchange whole- sale point
k.  Items  that  are  not  authorized  for  direct
as follows:
(1)  DIC doc ident code (CC 1-3) will be blank.
exchange  wholesale  will  be  classified  with  the
(2)  RIC from code (CC 4-6) will be blank.
appropriate condition code and placed in depot stock
(3)  M&S code (CC 7) will be blank.
and the evacuating _ unit will be advised by the depot
(4)  FSC & FIIN (CC 8-18) fill in the Federal
that the item is not authorized for exchange under this
stock number (FSN) of the item to be returned to the
program and, if still required, the replacement is to be
CONUS depot.
requisitioned  through  normal  supply  channels  in
(5)  Addt'l (CC 19-22) will be blank.
accordance with AR 725-50. The depot will notify the
(6)  Unit of Issue (CC 23-24) normally fill in
NICP of receipt of such items in the same manner as
"EA"; otherwise, as appropriate.
authorized items except that the document identifier
(7)  Quantity (CC 2529) fill in the number of
code will be "D6A".
l.  Items submitted to the depot for exchange
items being returned, all with the same FSN.
(8)  Document number (CC 3043) fill in activity
which are determined to be uneconomically reparable
address code, Julian date, and serial number.
will be processed for disposal. A "D6R" will be submitted
(9)  Suffix code (CC 44) fill in the letter "N"
to the NICP with the appropriate condition code noted.
(10)  Supplementary address (CC 45-50) will be
blank or as appropriate.
(11)  Signal code (CC 51) fill in the letter "D"
("M", if a supplementary address is cited).

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